yeah, but we're tried troubleshoot Particular case, so its irrelevant.
Isn't it relevant that this only seems to have issues with MT units, whereas cheap, crappy off-the-shelf junk works fine?
if his goal to replicate Exact/particular model performance/settings within mikrotik - then would be helpful to Know(rather than guess)which model is that.
I don't think he's trying to replicate performance settings, he's trying to get his video streaming properly through his MT when it was working fine on whatever junk he had before. If MT >= whatever other junk then it shouldn't have this issue, or at least the issue should be understood in a way a "fix" (configuration adjustment, really) can be applied for those affected.
MT units are great, when they don't do what you expect you can at least understand the behavior and almost always adjust it, unlike other systems I've struggled with.
you imply that something wrong in ROS with mutlticast/icmp handling ?
I didn't say that, you did. I haven't done PCAPs myself to fully "understand" the problem, but whatever the case, the MT handles the traffic differently than most consumer grade routers, and that's affecting the performance of this particular setup/traffic.
afaik without breaking more serious stuff in ROS there not much to do about.
No idea what you're talking about, I proposed a fix and if there are still persistent AirPlay streaming issues after enabling multicast-helper on the wireless interface than someone (maybe me) should do some PCAP between the RB951 and the AppleTV.
Personally, since setting multicast-helper to full on the wireless interface on my RB951Ui-2HnD, the issue described streaming AirPlay from iOS (iPad/iPhone to AppleTV) has completely disappeared.