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connection between LAN and Wifi

Mon May 05, 2014 2:04 pm

I want to have bridge like connection between LAN and Wifi networks. My setup is www -> Mikrotik router -> LAN(nearly 10 systems connected over 2 eight port switches) and www->Wifi modem -> Wifi devices(laptops and tab). There is a server running in LAN and it is accessible for all LAN system. What I want is the server should be accessible for Wifi network as well, how can I do it?

Wifi IP's
gateway =
IP range = -
Mikrotik router's Interface
[me@MikroTik] /interface> print
 #     NAME                              TYPE         
 0  R  ether1-Input                      ether        
 1  R  ether2                            ether        
 2  R  ether3                            ether        
 3     ether4                            ether        
 4     ether5                            ether        
 5  R  pppoe-out2                        pppoe-out    
Mikrotik router's IP Address:
[me@MikroTik] /ip address> print
 #   ADDRESS            NETWORK         INTERFACE                 
 0     ether3                                              
 1     ether2                                 
 2 D    pppoe-out2  
LAN's 10 system:
I have configured private IP's for 10 systems manually from to
Gateway for LAN is

Things I can do:
I can have a ethernet cable between mikrotkik router and Wifi modem. So 1st port of Mikrotik router would have connected to internet, 2nd to LAN system and 3rd port to Wifi.

I have two broadband connection.
First broadband connection is connected to Mikrotik router for LAN network.
Second broadband connection is connected to Wifi router for Wifi network. So both the network are independent.

Goal is to make LAN server( to be accessible for Wifi network. How can I do this?

I tried with NAT rule as in thinking of ping from Wifi network's laptop will not find within Wifi network and go for LAN network with following rule in mikrotik router
 0   ;;; allow wifi to use lan network
     chain=dstnat action=accept src-address= dst-address= 
It's not working.

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