I download user manager, and installed it, but it is not showing under tools.
Im I doing anything wrong
Thank You
You have not done anything wrong besides looking for it in the wrong place. I had the same problem and since there is no manual yet I had to try figuring it out myself.
To use or configure User manager you can’t use the winbox software. Use your browser or terminal/console to check or configure the user manager
The browser to me has a simpler feel
The url is http:// your mikrotik IP/userman
----Using user manager the first most important thing is to setup an account. This is because mikrotik user manager doesn’t come with any account. Use Mikrotik terminal (console) or telnet to connect and setup an account.
From the default prompt, type tool user-manager customer and than enter
Type add and enter, Login appears
Type the account Name and than enter.
Type “tool user-manager customer”
[admin@MikroTik] tool user-manager customer>
type add
[admin@MikroTik] tool user-manager customer> add
And new prompt appears
type the use name (admin account) and then enter
You can check to see if the account was setup by doing a print from
[admin@MikroTik] tool user-manager customer> print
0 subscriber=admin login="admin" password="" time-zone=+00:00 permissions=owner parent=admin
Use can now use the user manager (web interface to login with the new account)
That all folks