the dude works with rOS 4.17 and dude 4.0beta3....if not this combination the web access is not available
(on RB450G and microSD 2GB)
Sorry , but I did not understand you, is your configuration have functional web interface ?
Unfortunately if you have 1000+ devices to monitor/graph/probe, any RB + flash card combination is going to chock and eventually die. Only solution at least for me able to cope with such load is x86 platform.
virtualized linux + dude, makes everybody happy
a. with the possibility of having daily backup of the VM,
b. no need to backup just dude db and hassle with backups
c. just couple of GB per backup of the complete system (even smaller if running virtualized ROS)
undeniably and sadly, even on the platform for which is developed to run under, is not fully functional