You can try this:
place this rule towards the top of the rule set:
/ip firewall filter
add chain=forward comment="accept and bypass established connections" protocol=tcp \
connection-state=established src-address-list=Processing action=jump jump-target=trust-established
place this rule at the BOTTOM of the rule set:
/ip firewall filter
add chain=trust-established comment="accept and bypass established connections" action=accept
i have tried. but problem is if i add this rule, they can access all websites which i had blocked.
Please see below all rules which i have.
add chain=forward comment="skype port accpt" dst-port=1025-65535 protocol=tcp \
add chain=forward port=21-22 protocol=tcp src-address-list=Processing
add chain=forward comment="Processing allow web" layer7-protocol=\
Accept_processing src-address-list=Processing
add chain=forward comment="Processing wetransfer accept" layer7-protocol=\
Accept_wetransfer src-address-list=Processing
add chain=forward comment="Processing wetransfer accept_all" layer7-protocol=\
Accept_processing_wetransfer_all src-address-list=Processing
add chain=forward comment="users accept" layer7-protocol=Accept_users \
add action=drop chain=forward comment="processing blocking rule" \
layer7-protocol="BlockAll Website" src-address-list=Processing
add action=drop chain=forward comment="users block" layer7-protocol=\
"BlockAll Website" src-address-list=Vision_Users
everything is working good. only problem skype file transfer. please ask me if anything is not clear to you.
If you can help me with this it will be very helpful to me.