Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:22 am
Well.. I have a similar issue.. I'll explain the topology below.
CRS125 -- Gigabit Ethernet - SXTAC -=-=-=-Wireless -=-=-=- SXTAC --Gigabit Ethernet -- RB2011UiAS2Hnd
The CRS 125 is the side with Internet access, but in my test, its not being used for internet access.
All Ethernet ports have been se to " Ethernet - Default " Queues.
the CRS has most, but not all ports in switch config. The SXT AC has a bridge to bridge the wireless to Ethernet, it is a PtP link, The Rb 2011 is set up as Ether 1 as master and ether 2 as slave, the SXT connects on Ether 1 via Gig Ethernet. Eth 2 connects to another device, a UBNT wireless product that connects to a farther location.
This is my own private network, it is all a flat network, ie, all on same subnet.
CRS is set up for NAT, with minimal rules. basic home type setup.
My tests are as follows,
PC connected on Ethernet of CRS, port 8, in the switch with the rest including the ether for the first SXT.
- using BTEST, I ran a test SEND to the far RB 2011, I get speeds at about 35-40 Mbit UDP
- Using Bandwidth test on CRS, send to far RB2011 I get the same 30-40 Mbit UDP
- Test from the first SXT to the far RB 2011 I get 300+ Mps UDP This is verified by seeing the data on the Ethernet port on the RB 2011
So, here is the weird part, Those test were done one at a time... SO I tried this....
Tried BTEST from PC to SEND, 40 Mbit, left test running.
Started Bandwidth test on CRS to send to rb 2011, roughly same 40 Mbit ----- Btest on PC still running at roughly same speeds. Ethernet interface for the pC was confirming inbound 40 mbit, and total of about 80 Mbit out Ethernet 4 which connects to the first SXT. Total data received at RB2011 Ether 1 port, roughly 80 Mbit.
To confuse me even more, I tried run Bandwidth test from the first SXT to SEND to the same RB 2011, 180-190 Mbit on that, WHILE the other two tests were running, and the other two tests remained roughly at their 40 mbit.
When I try BTEST on the PC for RECIEVE from the RB 2011 on the far end, I get roughly 250 Mbit
If I do that test, receive to CRS from the RB 2011, oddly this time I am getting 360 Mbit to 410 Mbit
My conclusion is that something is going on in the CRS that is slowing down the traffic, BUT, the CPU load is around 20%. I do not understand why it will allow each stream of data to stay the same.
Funny, as I was typing, I used another test, a Netmetal 5, that is connected to ether 3 ( master port) on the CRS, It is a link to another location, but when I try the SEND speed test to that same RB2011, I am getting 280 - 300 Mbit, and that goes through the CRS .. In ether 3, master, out ether 4 slaveto3, to SXT, wireless, SXT Ethernet to Ether 1 on RB 2011.
I am at a loss.