I **hate** writing this, but clearly I'm not as smart I I would like to think.
I just received two RB2011UiAS-2HnD-IN routers. Per the quick start, they should appear at and be accessible with a web browser. I can see and ping the router at that address just fine, but cannot get any connection on the web port (Unable to load page). I have the router plugged into my network on port #2 (the 2nd Gigabit port, per the quick start).
Using nmap, I can see port 22/ssh is open as are ports 111, 873 and 6566. No port 80, 8080, 443 8443, etc that a web browser would connect on.
Further, when I attempt to ssh (ssh admin@ into it, I get in to the point of a password prompt, but nothing I enter (including entering nothing) works.
The docs maddeningly insist that the web interface is there and the default login is 'admin' with no password.
I've done a factory reset twice now and nothing changes.
Everything I can find in the Mikrotik website and online says 1) I should be able to access the router via a browser and 2) the login should be 'admin' with no password. None of that is matching my experience so far.
I've even tried doing a reset via the little display/touchscreen and when I do, it wants a PIN # which I cannot find anywhere.
So I'm stuck at Go and cannot move and inch. As a networking guy, it's pretty frustrating.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to move forward? I've read so much good about these routers, but right now, it's a fairly nice looking paper weight for me.
Thanks so much, in advance