Hi, I need to block internet access to some computers on a customer network, can I do that with /ip firewall mangle feature ?, how ?, they must check e-mails but not access the www and chat, etc.
Firewall filter will help you.
'ip firewall filter'. Use chain=forward to allow/block clietnts traffic. Allow e-mail traffic (25/110 port numbers), and block other traffic, http://www.mikrotik.com/docs/ros/2.9/ip/filter
In this case I have a wireless lan with encore access point and need to put mk between adsl modem and this encore. In the mac address filter into the mk, I must put the wireless mac address no ?
I would create a new chain called MAC-Auth.. Put all of the mac addresses that are allowed access to the network in this chain and put a REJECT rule at the bottom of the chain.
Then jump to this chain from the INPUT filter with the condition that the traffic originates from the LAN interface.