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Still confused about power output on SR-2 and SR-5 cards

Wed May 24, 2006 11:03 pm

I don’t think I ever saw this questioned answered for the latest releases of MT v 2.9.20-24:

What is the actual mw output by the SR-2 and SR-5 Ubiquity cards in “default” power settings mode in the latest MT versions?

Someone had calculated it before and posted a chart of actual output per dB reading in MT.

But then MT changed the calibration for the ubiquity cards, right?

So now what is the default output power and does it correctly output the dB when manually entered, or is there a conversion table still of MT dB and actual dB with the ubiquity SR-2 and SR-5 cards??
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Thu May 25, 2006 4:15 am

I was also wondering about this

If I log in and do a monitor wlan (not sure of syntax) will that sho us?
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Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:25 pm

today I changed an intersil chipset 200mW from senao with SR2 and signal is not only dropping , but it jumping stupidly...
I hope I dont loose my customer until I change it back...

and one more thing is someone please announce in mikrotik or forum that exactly what setting should be used for best performance for sr2?

basically our signal jumping from -95 to -85 which it was constantly -60 with 200mW card

someone from MT please help us on this cursed SR series cards...
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Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:08 pm

We ditched the SR cards because of this problem and soon will be upgrading the last of our Mikrotik wireless networks to Motorola Canopy.

It was fun while it lasted (he says sarcastically).
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:19 am

today I changed an intersil chipset 200mW from senao with SR2 and signal is not only dropping , but it jumping stupidly...
I hope I dont loose my customer until I change it back...

and one more thing is someone please announce in mikrotik or forum that exactly what setting should be used for best performance for sr2?

basically our signal jumping from -95 to -85 which it was constantly -60 with 200mW card

someone from MT please help us on this cursed SR series cards...

My bet is that you either have an antenna connection problem, pigtail bad, or you are simply using the wrong antenna on the SR card. We have been using SR2's and 5's since they arrived on the market - and have absolutely no problems. They are rock solid.
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:06 am

There has been too many times that I have placed blame on the SR cards when it was something else.
For the most part I have increased me networks speed and signal strength on all our links with the SR2 and SR5.
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:51 am

FYI we swapped everything out multiple times and it was the SR cards both the sr2 and sr5.

We still use MT as a router among other things and the wireless does work well with other cards we've used. But now that we've gone Canopy our support calls were reduced by more than half.

There's a time when you just got to throw in the towel.
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:49 am

I have thought of using Canopy in the Big Easy but I don't like being locked into a system that could be discontinued in a year for something thats better but not compatible with the units they sold me.
Also the Canopy systems seem to be the biggest killer of the spectrum. Or so I have heard.
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:20 am

today I changed an intersil chipset 200mW from senao with SR2 and signal is not only dropping , but it jumping stupidly...
I hope I dont loose my customer until I change it back...

and one more thing is someone please announce in mikrotik or forum that exactly what setting should be used for best performance for sr2?

basically our signal jumping from -95 to -85 which it was constantly -60 with 200mW card

someone from MT please help us on this cursed SR series cards...

My bet is that you either have an antenna connection problem, pigtail bad, or you are simply using the wrong antenna on the SR card. We have been using SR2's and 5's since they arrived on the market - and have absolutely no problems. They are rock solid.
you've lost the bet, because I use the same, antenna, pigtail, connector , all I did unplug the intersil and plug sr2, the antenna jack is also correct.
and this is not the only sr2 I tried, there is another one as well, which cannot provide stable signal.
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:43 am

Did you try setting the SR2 to B only mode?
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:07 am

Did you try setting the SR2 to B only mode?
yes, few dbm better from -87 to -85
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:56 pm

canopy is great if you have no problems.. but as soon as you want to do anything out of the norm.. canopy sucks!. I have a canopy 900 I am just waiting to ditch in favor of a mikrotik w/ SR9.

You cant even monitor the damn canopy unless you pay $2000 for some crappy Java Prizm program, and then you have to have public IPs, and you have to have a router in front of the canopy anyways.

Eveytime a client calls for problems with the canopy, I go.. hmmm.. I dont know sir, I cant login and see your node, becasue I didnt give you a public IP, and when I use the webserver on the canopy it crashes every ten minutes.

The way I look at it.. Canopy is 'Wireless for Dummies'
Mikrotik is 'Wireless for those who know what they are doing'
It may take a while to get the hang of Mikrotik world, but the rewards are endless.
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:11 pm

Surfnet, everything you said about Canopy is totally wrong.
Maybe you should read the manual.

We've used Mikrotik and Canopy for over 4 years.
They both have their place IMO.
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:56 pm

ok, Ill bite which part is wrong?
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:58 pm

the problem is how to increase my signal with SR2?
and I have tried there is 10 db jumping in signal strenght while the Intersil was quite stable at a level.

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Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:17 pm

I have found that with Ubiquiti, that their quality control is not so good. I find that some of there cards work great, and others just work like crap. Have you tried another SR2?

I have a bag of bad cards.. they still work, but they have problems ranging from low signal level, to high ping times. I have many in the field that work great.
I would say that 60% of my ubiquiti cards work as advertised, and the rest are garbage. I will someday return them to ubiquiti to see what they say about them.
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Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:45 pm

first two I got did not even worked or detected by the system, the replacement is working but not really fine.

I really dont know spend another single dollar to risk if it's gonna work fine or now, after all buying wireless card is not same as pulling the jackpot handle.

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Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:09 pm

ok, Ill bite which part is wrong?
It seems like you've had some bad experience with Canopy so I'll elaborate a bit on our experience.

Canopy works very much like a regular radio. You don't need Prizm.
Everything we monitored on our MT network was available to monitor with Canopy via SNMP. Stuff like ethernet and wireless throughput, pps and jitter/dbm. So you might have been misinformed about that.

All of our Canopy IP's have been internal IP's since the beginning. I'm not sure why you are using public IP's on the radios unless you are using routing on the SM? Even without Prizm there was never any need to have public IP's on our radios. We just remoted in to our network or had a public page for our stats via SNMP.

The Canopy AP's and Radios have extensive features in their newest firmware including VoIP prioritization. I wouldn't classify Canopy as "Wireless for Dummies" but "Wireless for a reliable network".

In over four years my opinion is that the Canopy system has withstood the test of time better than any system in it's price range. It is the only way we keep up our network in the high noise environment we are in.

That said, my second choice would be an all Mikrotik network if Canopy were not available. We came to this conclusion after years of running both platforms. YMMV.
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Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:21 pm

well, the only reason I said the Public Ip, is becuase that is what the directions say to do for the prizm to work with the SU.
I have the canopy up and running, and I dont use Public IPs for the SU, and the only way I can get into them is to login to the AP and then click around to the SU, but the problem the webpage locks up after 10 minutes or so. I have upgraded to the last firmware, but maybe I have a bad unit.
I think further technical discussion of Canopy would be better suited on the Canopy forum.
THe only thing I can say, is that I use both, and the reason I say Canopy is ' wireless for dummies' is becuase, having used MK I went into canopy looking for a nice feature set, and was very dissapointed.
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Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:23 am

what version of MT you use ?
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Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:34 am

what version of MT you use ?
Latest... 2.9.27
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Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:41 am

Jokingly: Send it to my e-mail ;).

I'm not very good and PtMP wireless-es, but try to set periodic Calibration to Disable (by default it is set to default). I don't know anything else that could help you.
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Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:53 am

Jokingly: Send it to my e-mail ;).

I'm not very good and PtMP wireless-es, but try to set periodic Calibration to Disable (by default it is set to default). I don't know anything else that could help you.
sorry that was a typo, fixed it.
but what exactly periodic calibration will do?