Since the logging date format (jul/16/2014) did not meet my requirements i made my own script to log just these events. The only problem is that AFAIK we can't append data to a file via scripting, so i had to read a log file content then add a line to the local variable storing it's content and write the new content back to a file. It's obviously not a good solution but the best i could come up with using built in routeros functionality.
Since file operations on RouterOS take long time (you need to :delay 1 each time you want to use a file you've created) you need to configure netwatch interval to 2s (not less) or the down-script may not finish before the next up-script starts.
ros code
:local workdir "log/google/" :local name "GoogleDNS" :local scl [/system clock get]; :local months {jan=01;feb=02;mar=03;apr=04;may=05;jun=06;jul=07;aug=08;sep=09;oct=10;nov=11;dec=12}; :set ($scl->"y") [:pick ($scl->"date") 7 11] :set ($scl->"mn") [:pick ($scl->"date") 0 3] :set ($scl->"m") ($months->($scl->"mn")); :if (($scl->"m") < 10) do={:set ($scl->"m") ("0".($scl->"m"))}; :set ($scl->"d") [:pick ($scl->"date") 4 6] :set ($scl->"H") [:pick ($scl->"time") 0 2] :set ($scl->"M") [:pick ($scl->"time") 3 5] :set ($scl->"S") [:pick ($scl->"time") 6 8] :set ($scl->"timestamp") (($scl->"y").".".($scl->"m").".".($scl->"d")."_".($scl->"H").".".($scl->"M").".".($scl->"S")) :local tempfile ($workdir."_".$name.".txt") :local output (" - UP ".($scl->"timestamp")."\r\n"); :local newcontent ([file get "$tempfile" contents].$output); :delay 1; /file set [/file find name="$tempfile"] contents=$newcontent;down-script
ros code
:local workdir "log/google/" :local name "GoogleDNS" :local scl [/system clock get]; :local months {jan=01;feb=02;mar=03;apr=04;may=05;jun=06;jul=07;aug=08;sep=09;oct=10;nov=11;dec=12}; :set ($scl->"y") [:pick ($scl->"date") 7 11] :set ($scl->"mn") [:pick ($scl->"date") 0 3] :set ($scl->"m") ($months->($scl->"mn")); :if (($scl->"m") < 10) do={:set ($scl->"m") ("0".($scl->"m"))}; :set ($scl->"d") [:pick ($scl->"date") 4 6] :set ($scl->"H") [:pick ($scl->"time") 0 2] :set ($scl->"M") [:pick ($scl->"time") 3 5] :set ($scl->"S") [:pick ($scl->"time") 6 8] :set ($scl->"timestamp") (($scl->"y").".".($scl->"m").".".($scl->"d")."_".($scl->"H").".".($scl->"M").".".($scl->"S")) :local tempfile ($workdir."_".$name.".txt") :local logfile ($workdir.$name."_".($scl->"timestamp").".txt") :local output ($name." - DOWN ".($scl->"timestamp")); :if ([:len [/file find where size > "3072" name~$tempfile;]] > 0) do={ :local tempcontent ([file get "$tempfile" contents]); /file print file="$logfile"; :delay 1;/file set [/file find name="$logfile"] contents=$tempcontent; /file set [/file find name="$tempfile"] contents=""; } :if ([:len [/file find where name~$tempfile;]] > 0) do={} else={ /file print file="$tempfile"; :delay 1; /file set "$tempfile" contents=""; } :local newcontent ([file get "$tempfile" contents].$output); /file set [/file find name="$tempfile"] contents=$newcontent;P.S.
I hope the above script example prooves that RouterOS' file management and date format might need some patching/feature upgrade in the future. Also adding a custom topic for each script to log it's own data would be a nice addition.