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I'm not able to send traffic via IPSec tunnel (site-2-site)

Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:32 am

I have two offices which I want to connect using IPSec tunneling.
Main office has FreeBSD 10 as a gateway (, my office has Mikrotik device (6.16rc18) (
Remote office has several networks inside, so i need to use BGP sessions in order to let remote side know my networks.

The problem is that seems like IPSec session is done, also I can see 2 SA on my side, but I cannot ping/use any resource inside the of remote office from my own PC here.
From other side - if I try to ping something at the remote end from my Mikrotik device - pings are OK.

So, these work from my Mikrotik:

ros code

/ping src-address= count=20
/system ssh user=root src-address=
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Re: I'm not able to send traffic via IPSec tunnel (site-2-si

Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:17 am

Is your router aware to exclude this destination network from NAT?

ros code

/ip firewall nat
add chain=srcnat comment="remote network" dst-address= src-address=
Put this rule on the very top of your srcnat chain.

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Re: I'm not able to send traffic via IPSec tunnel (site-2-si

Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:14 pm

Here is more description:
FreeBSD 10.0 Stable has racoon onboard. Firewall is done in that way:
[root@secure1 ~]# ipfw sh
ipfw: DEPRECATED: 'sh' matched 'show' as a sub-string
00001       28412       55074783 allow ip from any to any via lo0
00002           0              0 deny ip from any to
00003           0              0 deny ip from to any
00100  1645387589   562874159666 nat 10 ip from table(5) to any out via igb0
00100  4880618847  2932077446487 nat 10 ip from any to me in via igb0
00110  5318721439  1413564586341 queue 10 ip from to dst-port 22 via igb3
00111  5903342605  1197663552363 queue 10 ip from 22 to via igb3
65534 35013576281 17170455764741 allow ip from any to any
65535        8076         827781 allow ip from any to any
ifconfig_tap0="inet  netmask mtu 1246 up"  # Tunnel to Remote Office


racoon_flags="-l /var/log/racoon.log"

# Quagga
quagga_daemons="zebra bgpd"
quagga_flags="-d -A"
Racoon setup: /usr/local/etc/racoon/racoon.conf
log info;
path pre_shared_key "/usr/local/etc/racoon/preshared.txt";
path certificate "/usr/local/etc/racoon/certs";
path include "/usr/local/etc/racoon/include.d";

listen {
    isakmp 204.15.a.b [500];
    isakmp_natt 204.15.a.b [4500];
    adminsock "/var/db/racoon/racoon.sock";

remote 192.162.c.d {
        #exchange_mode main,aggressive;
        exchange_mode aggressive;
        lifetime time 28800 seconds;
        initial_contact off;
        passive off;
        proposal_check strict;
        proposal {
                encryption_algorithm aes128;
                hash_algorithm sha1;
                authentication_method pre_shared_key;
                dh_group modp2048;
                lifetime time 3600 seconds;
        proposal {
                encryption_algorithm 3des;
                hash_algorithm sha1;
                authentication_method pre_shared_key;
                dh_group modp2048;
                lifetime time 3600 seconds;
        proposal {
                encryption_algorithm aes128;
                hash_algorithm sha256;
                authentication_method pre_shared_key;
                dh_group modp2048;
                lifetime time 3600 seconds;
        proposal {
                encryption_algorithm 3des;
                hash_algorithm sha256;
                authentication_method pre_shared_key;
                dh_group modp2048;
                lifetime time 3600 seconds;
        generate_policy off;
        nat_traversal off;
        my_identifier address 204.15.a.b;

sainfo address any address any {
    pfs_group modp2048;
    lifetime time 3600 seconds;
    encryption_algorithm 3des,aes128;
    authentication_algorithm hmac_md5,hmac_sha1;
    compression_algorithm deflate;
setkey.conf file

spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/204.15.a.b-192.162.c.d/require;
spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/192.162.c.d-204.15.a.b/require;
spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/204.15.a.b-192.162.c.d/require;
spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/192.162.c.d-204.15.a.b/require;
spdadd 204.15.a.b/32 192.162.c.d/32 ipencap -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/204.15.a.b-192.162.c.d/require;
spdadd 192.162.c.d/32 204.15.a.b/32 ipencap -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/192.162.c.d-204.15.a.b/require;
## Remote office -> Main Office
spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/204.15.a.b-192.162.c.d/require;
spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/192.162.c.d-204.15.a.b/require;
## Remote office -> PROD
spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/204.15.a.b-192.162.c.d/require;
spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/192.162.c.d-204.15.a.b/require;
## Remote office DEV
spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/204.15.a.b-192.162.c.d/require;
spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/192.162.c.d-204.15.a.b/require;
After everything is done - here what I see on FreeBSD:
[root@secure1 ~]# racoonctl show-sa ipsec
204.15.a.b 192.162.c.d
        esp mode=tunnel spi=222745012(0x0d46d1b4) reqid=0(0x00000000)
        E: 3des-cbc  4eaf9d8b 52b7ef50 6390fa26 a9134c4e 9d580fe9 10a9edc1
        A: hmac-sha1  5c0fa328 7230fd72 687e681d deeb2f80 a10fff3a
        seq=0x000008d5 replay=4 flags=0x00000000 state=mature
        created: Jul 15 05:16:53 2014   current: Jul 15 05:53:28 2014
        diff: 2195(s)   hard: 3600(s)   soft: 2880(s)
        last: Jul 15 05:53:27 2014      hard: 0(s)      soft: 0(s)
        current: 305792(bytes)  hard: 0(bytes)  soft: 0(bytes)
        allocated: 2261 hard: 0 soft: 0
        sadb_seq=3 pid=31014 refcnt=3
192.162.c.d 204.15.a.b
        esp mode=tunnel spi=75685033(0x0482dca9) reqid=0(0x00000000)
        E: 3des-cbc  bf17b75c 3fef25e2 db0492c6 c51ebc1a ca6260dd 8e9b068e
        A: hmac-sha1  b21347bb e9cb4031 80346fc1 4a4afb34 9ba7edd9
        seq=0x00000050 replay=4 flags=0x00000000 state=mature
        created: Jul 15 05:16:53 2014   current: Jul 15 05:53:28 2014
        diff: 2195(s)   hard: 3600(s)   soft: 2880(s)
        last: Jul 15 05:53:06 2014      hard: 0(s)      soft: 0(s)
        current: 6596(bytes)    hard: 0(bytes)  soft: 0(bytes)
        allocated: 80   hard: 0 soft: 0
        sadb_seq=2 pid=31014 refcnt=1
My Miktotik shows:

ros code

[admin@office-gw] > /ip ipsec installed-sa print
Flags: A - AH, E - ESP, P - pfs
 0 E  spi=0x482DCA9 src-address=192.162.c.d dst-address=204.15.a.b auth-algorithm=sha1 enc-algorithm=3des replay=4 state=mature auth-key="b21347bbe9cb403180346fc14a4afb349ba7edd9"
      enc-key="bf17b75c3fef25e2db0492c6c51ebc1aca6260dd8e9b068e" addtime=jul/15/2014 15:16:54 expires-in=21m37s add-lifetime=48m/1h current-bytes=5313

 1 E  spi=0xD46D1B4 src-address=204.15.a.b dst-address=192.162.c.d auth-algorithm=sha1 enc-algorithm=3des replay=4 state=mature auth-key="5c0fa3287230fd72687e681ddeeb2f80a10fff3a"
      enc-key="4eaf9d8b52b7ef506390fa26a9134c4e9d580fe910a9edc1" addtime=jul/15/2014 15:16:54 expires-in=21m37s add-lifetime=48m/1h current-bytes=197269
So seems like it is able to negotiate the keys.
BGP Peering between these 2 routers works well.
Mikrotik shows:

ros code

[admin@office-gw] > /ip route print
Flags: X - disabled, A - active, D - dynamic, C - connect, S - static, r - rip, b - bgp, o - ospf, m - mme, B - blackhole, U - unreachable, P - prohibit
 #      DST-ADDRESS        PREF-SRC        GATEWAY            DISTANCE
 0 ADS                               1
 1 X S                                1
 2 ADb                         20
 3 X S                       pptp-ig-out               1
 4 ADC     192.162.c.d pppoe-out1                0
 5 ADC   pppoe-out1                0
 6 ADC     bridge-local              0
 7 ADb                        20
 8 X S                      pptp-ig-out               1
 9 ADb                        20
10 X S                      pptp-ig-out               1

[admin@office-gw] > /routing bgp peer print
Flags: X - disabled, E - established
 #   INSTANCE                                                                       REMOTE-ADDRESS                                                                                                 REMOTE-AS
 0 E default                                                                                                                                                                65000
...Mikrotik setup is the next:

ros code

[admin@office-gw] > /interface print
Flags: D - dynamic, X - disabled, R - running, S - slave
 #     NAME                                TYPE         MTU L2MTU  MAX-L2MTU MAC-ADDRESS
 0  R  ether1-gateway                      ether       1500  1598       4074 D4:CA:6D:CC:2E:78
 1  RS ether2-master-local                 ether       1500  1598       4074 D4:CA:6D:CC:2E:79
 2   S ether3-slave-local                  ether       1500  1598       4074 D4:CA:6D:CC:2E:7A
 3   S ether4-slave-local                  ether       1500  1598       4074 D4:CA:6D:CC:2E:7B
 4   S ether5-slave-local                  ether       1500  1598       4074 D4:CA:6D:CC:2E:7C
 5  RS wlan1                               wlan        1500  2290            D4:CA:6D:CC:2E:7D
 6  R  bridge-local                        bridge      1500  1598            D4:CA:6D:CC:2E:79
 7  R  pppoe-out1                          pppoe-out   1480
 8  X  pptp-ig-out                         pptp-out

[admin@office-gw] > /ip address print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
 #   ADDRESS            NETWORK         INTERFACE
 0   ;;; default configuration     ether2-master-local
 1   ;;; Virtual IP for IG IPSec   pppoe-out1
 2 D 192.162.c.d/32     pppoe-out1
[admin@office-gw] > /ip ipsec peer print
Flags: X - disabled
 0   ;;; Main Office Level3 Peer
     ;;; Unsafe configuration, suggestion to use certificates
     address=204.15.a.b/32 local-address=192.162.c.d passive=no port=500 auth-method=pre-shared-key secret="zxcvbn" generate-policy=port-strict exchange-mode=aggressive
     send-initial-contact=yes nat-traversal=no proposal-check=strict hash-algorithm=sha256 enc-algorithm=3des dh-group=modp2048 lifetime=1h lifebytes=0 dpd-interval=disable-dpd dpd-maximum-failures=6

[admin@office-gw] > /ip ipsec remote-peers  print
 0 local-address=192.162.c.d remote-address=204.15.a.b state=established side=initiator established=43m59s

[admin@office-gw] > /ip ipsec proposal print
Flags: X - disabled, * - default
 0  * name="default" auth-algorithms=sha1 enc-algorithms=aes-256-cbc lifetime=30m pfs-group=modp2048
 1    name="ig-level3-prop" auth-algorithms=sha1 enc-algorithms=3des,aes-128-cbc lifetime=1h pfs-group=modp2048

[admin@office-gw] > /ip ipsec policy print
Flags: T - template, X - disabled, D - dynamic, I - inactive
 0    ;;; 0
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=192.162.c.d
      sa-dst-address=204.15.a.b proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

 1    ;;; 1
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=204.15.a.b
      sa-dst-address=192.162.c.d proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

 2    ;;; 2
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=204.15.a.b
      sa-dst-address=192.162.c.d proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

 3    ;;; 3
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=192.162.c.d
      sa-dst-address=204.15.a.b proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

 4    ;;; 4
      src-address=204.15.a.b/32 src-port=any dst-address=192.162.c.d/32 dst-port=any protocol=ipencap action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=204.15.a.b
      sa-dst-address=192.162.c.d proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

 5    ;;; 5
      src-address=192.162.c.d/32 src-port=any dst-address=204.15.a.b/32 dst-port=any protocol=ipencap action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=192.162.c.d
      sa-dst-address=204.15.a.b proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

 6    ;;; 6
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=204.15.a.b
      sa-dst-address=192.162.c.d proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

 7    ;;; 7
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=192.162.c.d
      sa-dst-address=204.15.a.b proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

 8    ;;; 8
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=204.15.a.b
      sa-dst-address=192.162.c.d proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

 9    ;;; 9
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=192.162.c.d
      sa-dst-address=204.15.a.b proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

10    ;;; 10
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=204.15.a.b
      sa-dst-address=192.162.c.d proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

11    ;;; 11
      src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=192.162.c.d
      sa-dst-address=204.15.a.b proposal=ig-level3-prop priority=0

[admin@office-gw] /ip ipsec statistics> print
                  in-errors: 0
           in-buffer-errors: 0
           in-header-errors: 0
               in-no-states: 0
   in-state-protocol-errors: 0
       in-state-mode-errors: 0
   in-state-sequence-errors: 0
           in-state-expired: 0
        in-state-mismatches: 0
           in-state-invalid: 5
     in-template-mismatches: 168
             in-no-policies: 499
          in-policy-blocked: 0
           in-policy-errors: 0
                 out-errors: 0
          out-bundle-errors: 33839
    out-bundle-check-errors: 0
              out-no-states: 306
  out-state-protocol-errors: 51
      out-state-mode-errors: 0
  out-state-sequence-errors: 0
          out-state-expired: 51
         out-policy-blocked: 0
            out-policy-dead: 0
          out-policy-errors: 0

[admin@office-gw] /ip ipsec statistics> /ip firewall filter print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
 0   ;;; default configuration (Allow ICMP)
     chain=input action=accept protocol=icmp

 1   ;;; -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
     chain=input action=accept connection-state=established

 2   ;;; -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED -j ACCEPT
     chain=input action=accept connection-state=related

 3   chain=input action=accept protocol=ipencap

 4   chain=output action=accept protocol=ipencap

 5   chain=input action=accept protocol=ipsec-esp

 6   chain=output action=accept protocol=ipsec-esp

 7   chain=input action=accept protocol=ipsec-ah

 8   chain=output action=accept protocol=ipsec-ah

 9   chain=input action=accept src-address=204.15.a.b

10   chain=output action=accept dst-address=204.15.a.b

11   chain=input action=accept protocol=tcp src-address= dst-port=179

12   chain=output action=accept protocol=tcp dst-address= src-port=179

13 X chain=forward action=accept src-address= out-interface=pptp-ig-out

14 X chain=forward action=accept dst-address= in-interface=pptp-ig-out

15   chain=input action=accept src-address=

16   chain=input action=accept src-address=

17   chain=input action=accept protocol=tcp src-address=194.126.x.y

18   chain=forward action=accept src-address= dst-address=

19   chain=forward action=accept src-address= dst-address=

20   ;;; default configuration
     chain=input action=reject reject-with=icmp-network-unreachable in-interface=ether1-gateway

21   chain=input action=reject reject-with=icmp-admin-prohibited in-interface=pppoe-out1

22   ;;; -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
     chain=forward action=accept connection-state=established

23   ;;; -A forward -m state --state RELATED -j ACCEPT
     chain=forward action=accept connection-state=related

24   ;;; default configuration (--state invalid)
     chain=forward action=drop connection-state=invalid

25   chain=forward action=accept

26   ;;; -A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
     chain=output action=accept connection-state=new

27   ;;; -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED -j ACCEPT
     chain=output action=accept connection-state=related

28   ;;; -A OUTPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
     chain=output action=accept connection-state=established

[admin@office-gw] /ip ipsec statistics> /ip firewall nat print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
 0 X ;;; IG DNS Forwarding
     chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses= connection-mark=ig-dns

 1 X ;;; IG DNS Forwarding (disabled due to errors)
     chain=srcnat action=src-nat to-addresses= connection-mark=ig-dns

 2   ;;; IPSec Tun <-> Tun
     chain=srcnat action=accept src-address= dst-address=

 3   ;;; Remote - IG Main Office
     chain=srcnat action=accept src-address= dst-address=

 4   ;;; IG Main Office - Remote
     chain=srcnat action=accept src-address= dst-address=

 5   ;;; Remote -  EDPROD
     chain=srcnat action=accept src-address= dst-address=

 6   ;;;  EDPROD - Remote
     chain=srcnat action=accept src-address= dst-address=

 7   ;;; Remote -  EDDEV
     chain=srcnat action=accept src-address= dst-address=

 8 X chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=pptp-ig-out

 9   ;;; default configuration
     chain=srcnat action=masquerade to-addresses= out-interface=pppoe-out1
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Re: I'm not able to send traffic via IPSec tunnel (site-2-si

Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:23 am

...I wonder: how oftenly are the posts being approved?
I posted a big explanation before and it is still does not there :(
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Re: I'm not able to send traffic via IPSec tunnel (site-2-si

Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:41 pm

Upgrading to the latest 6.17 didn't help :(