Normis, I'll go by.
Upgrade Device:
We went from 6.15 to 6.17
Most teams tear well, only in 3 I am forced to have to do a netinstall. Estimate that could be a current problem. (then discard it, because one of those teams is with UPS and surge)
In yesterday morning I see the fall of another link. The procedure is to power cycle the computer and starts. A half hour stops working and is inaccessible. Use netinstall to retrieve it.
At noon I observed 3 other team more than stop working and I have the same problem. Before this I resolve to return back to version 6.15
Device Recovery:
One of the problems identified is that when returning from version 6.17 to 6.15
the basic configuration or default ipsec is lost. This is what causes the saturation of the processor at 100%. Disabling packet recovers.
Resetting equipment and reconfiguring hand, are well in 6.15
Most of the equipment used for backbone. Its configuration is basic.
Bridge between ether and wlan
ip on the bridge
routering ospf, only net the bridge.
No other configuration.
In some cases, they have lost the installation packages and no choice but to use netinstall to recover the computer.
I must say that is the first time in years that passed me something.
Right now, I'm resetting each of the teams to reconfigure hand and I fear that finds a bug or error in the teams that make malfunction. It is hard work since I have an extensive network of more than 60km and you have to go to each tower.
Thank you!
My problem is two days after upgrading CCR1036 I'm locked - ERR: Wrong username or password.jrecabeitia, so far you are the first with such bigger issues. please give us more info, maybe all of these devices have something in common? some specific configuration or feature that you use?
Try access with no password. Maybe it is deletedMy problem is two days after upgrading CCR1036 I'm locked - ERR: Wrong username or password.jrecabeitia, so far you are the first with such bigger issues. please give us more info, maybe all of these devices have something in common? some specific configuration or feature that you use?
Services and routing still works, but I can't access neither by (mac)telnet nor ssh nor winbox...
actually go into the "/tool profile" menu to check what is eating the CPU. Maybe it was IPsec for you, but something else for the others?If the micro processor is 100% remove the ipsec package.
Reincie and should function normally.
I run some tests and this is correct, default setting helps.What I could see is that to turn back the default setting disappears.
I believe that's the cause, but I can not verify.
/system package print
Flags: X - disabled
0 routeros-mipsbe 6.15
1 system 6.15
2 X wireless-fp 6.15
3 X ipv6 6.15
4 wireless 6.15
5 hotspot 6.15
6 dhcp 6.15
7 mpls 6.15
8 routing 6.15
9 ppp 6.15
10 security 6.15
11 advanced-tools 6.15
What the hell you write? ipsec are not one single package which you can disable./system/packages
mark ipsec
I don't have ipsec package./system/packages
mark ipsec
That you think you do not know well the priority of the items in the beta test, the timing of the release of the official version is often certainly.Same problem here. Two RB912UAG-2HPnD-OUT (BaseBox2) died shortly (1-2 days) after upgrading to 6.17. One of them was totally inaccessible, on the other the (hardware) wlan interface had dissapeared. Had to netinstall 6.15 to revive them. Both of them were installed in a hotel and died during peak season. I consider this a MAJOR hit in both my reputation as a new professional and of Mikrotik's quality assurance procedures. Not to mention lost time and money, since fixing two week-old equipment that is massively failing by itself is not something that can be easily charged.
Hey, you guys were mostly known for reliability of your software, and I can recall at least three or four cases of failing updates in the 6.x version. A stable release should be a thoroughly tested, stable release. That is, if you want to win the professional market. You pulled 6.16 a day after releaising it as "stable" and replaced it with 6.17, which is is rendering devices inaccessible within days of upgrading.
I think I speak on behalf of many professionals in here, when I say that between new features and frequent releases or reliability, we would easily choose the second. You have a beta tester base, use it better! Do not make us all beta testers, please.
On Saturday, update all my installation with the version 6.17 and then update the firmware of computers.
The result was in two adjoining cases. They were inaccessible.
Others were falling in these 3 days.
Observed loss of configuration in some cases.
In others, loss of system packages.
I went back to version 6.15 and / or 6.11 and the situation to be the next step
In all the records processed 100% utilization.
With profile shows that the IPSEC service processor takes all.
In some cases, the equipment is made inaccessible.
The RB are: RB411 - RB433 - RB493 - RBMetal - RB1100 - RBSETXTAN
If someone comes up with something, to comment.
Tomorrow I'll go one by doing cleaning and use flash to all units.
same issue on 2 devices (either RB2011UAS-2HnD or RB2011UiAS-2HnD, we have about 3 dozen of those mixed).My 2011UAS-2HnD upgraded fine to 6.16 and then failed on upgrade (shortly after) to 6.17 with a message about loading kernel from NAND and then hanging. I got it going again using netinstall. No supout unfortunately.
My two cases also coply with this observation. Do you use rtp/rstp on all bridges?The only common denominator I found in all of this was the fact that those routers that crashed were ones where I had used bridge mode. The routers that continued working even after the upgrade were those that I had NOT implemented bridges on. So if anyone has experienced similar problems and used bridge mode then I suspect that this is where the problem lies. It would be nice to hear from those of you that have been affected by this whether you were also using bridge mode so we can put this to rest.
The same here.The only common denominator I found in all of this was the fact that those routers that crashed were ones where I had used bridge mode. The routers that continued working even after the upgrade were those that I had NOT implemented bridges on. So if anyone has experienced similar problems and used bridge mode then I suspect that this is where the problem lies. It would be nice to hear from those of you that have been affected by this whether you were also using bridge mode so we can put this to rest.
There may be a relationship as well as this is also their own.RB SXT 2nD r2
5 devices from ~100 have bricked up after upgrade 6.15 to 6.17.
no leds blinking, only beep signal on boot.
recovered by netinstall with lost config.
and 1 device just partly broke config (dhcp server, dns).
i upgrade each firmware release and it first time in my practice
today i have 2 dead device more.
and i cannot upgrade 6.17 to 6.18.
Please do not write this thing, is not true....I imagine you think you are a genius and the rest of the forum members idiots...
This still one incomplete way how to describe the upgrade.2) The method used is winbox, paste in the update file, reboot and then update firmware and reboot again. change package wireless for wireless-fp
Read my other posts and judge yourself if I not make positive contributions.[...]Hopefully it will be a little more humble and type to make positive contributions[...]
I really think this genre of reply is idiots.[...]instead of trying all idiots.[...]
And.. then?I think most here are university graduates.
Wait ... rextended I have normal work of devices about 12-13 hours ...This still one incomplete way how to describe the upgrade.2) The method used is winbox, paste in the update file, reboot and then update firmware and reboot again. change package wireless for wireless-fp
(wait and I write what method I'm using)
My point is simple: why you have write this detail only now?Wait ... rextended I have normal work of devices about 12-13 hours ...This still one incomplete way how to describe the upgrade.2) The method used is winbox, paste in the update file, reboot and then update firmware and reboot again. change package wireless for wireless-fp
(wait and I write what method I'm using)
I'm was upgraded 10 points ...
At all this points I have power suggestor and UPS ... From electricity it's not depend ...
951g - it's home router for testing ... and he has a normal electricity ...
I also work with this equipment and do upgrade Not for the first time ...
I would like to add observation, that might help pinpoint the problem.The only common denominator I found in all of this was the fact that those routers that crashed were ones where I had used bridge mode. The routers that continued working even after the upgrade were those that I had NOT implemented bridges on. So if anyone has experienced similar problems and used bridge mode then I suspect that this is where the problem lies. It would be nice to hear from those of you that have been affected by this whether you were also using bridge mode so we can put this to rest.