mikrotik v2.8.16
Login: demo
could not connect to console, try rebooting the router
I'm surprised ...
that host is:
mikrotik v2.8.16
Login: demo
could not connect to console, try rebooting the router
I'm surprised ...
I will try remove unneeded packages, and do the reboot. I can do it only after midnight, because a huge traffic goes througt it now.for 2.7 i can't tell you if there were any issues, i don't remember anything like it. maybe unstabile hardware? did you try power cycle (power off, power on)? remove any unused packages from it, then reboot normally (sys reboot).
I meant `upgrade to 2.8.17 or .18 when it is released`. We have it on the demo router, and it is being tested on other routers as well. We will release it when it's readyI wanted to ask the same When it will be released?.18?I'm surprised too. Can you upgrade it to 2.8.17 ( 18 )
Where can this version be downloaded?
Edit: I tried again 5-10 minutes after i got the login error, and now it works. Very strange error. Anyway, I saw that there is a running script in the router, and I wonder if that has something to do with the problem?Login: demo
Login failed, incorrect username or password
:global nam; :global temp
:set temp 0;
:foreach e in [/user find] do={
:set nam [/user get $e name];
:if ($nam="demo") do={/user set $e password="";
:incr temp}};
:if ($temp=0) do={/user add name=demo group=demo}