Yep. same here. Also, all my notifications just stop working, except syslog and mail. For some reason that I dont know, the sound, beep, flash and popup just do nothing. When I click the "test" button on each notification, there comes a "Ok" and nothing else. Anyone can confirm this?
Another thing Im looking is if there are problems with scan. When a network range is being scanned, in particular a specific device that have about 500 pppoe interfaces. Well, seems that every time dude scan the pppoe device, looks like when I run a complete snmp walk on that device. I dont need to retrieve all snmp info from that device at once. Im not sure yet about what is periodically running on dude that suddenly jump the dude server bit rate from 90kbps to about 800kbps. When disable the network scan, this stop happening. I also have "two" builtin scan tools which seems not working and do nothing. Everything else seems fine, including fixes.
The most wanted thing "for me" stand still: dude server graphing using funtions, not only snmp OIDs.
