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Hardware selection..

Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:59 am

we want to provide internet to a small town 14 miles away from our backhaul center.
the town is about 4000 potential users. There is a perfect line of sight between the two locations.. No obstruction and interferences from the fresnel zone..
Can you help us select two good Mikrotik hardware that can support this scenario if placed on both sides ?
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Re: Hardware selection..

Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:59 pm

Sorry but we need an answer so I'm trying to come out with solutions so somebody can correct me.

To achieve the above project, can we put 4 Routerboard SXT 5 ac on each side and use an unmanaged or a load balancer on one side to get 866Mbit x 4 = 3464Mbit ?
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Re: Hardware selection..

Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:32 pm

SXT will not work on 14km.
try netmetals +30dbi antennas.
I am not sure if it is possible to reach 3464Mbit over wireless (866 - its a modulation, not throughput)
IMO, best what you can expect with 1 ac link is 200Mbit/s
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Re: Hardware selection..

Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:04 pm

Thanks for your post.... you are right about the throughput.
But let's say we use a netmetal + a 30 dbi antenna and later on we want to add another netmetal to increase the bandwidth and performance of the point to point link, how can we bond them so we can have a higher throughput and bandwidth ?