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CAPsMan commutation problem

Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:40 pm

Hi guys.
ROS 6.20, MT 2011 & MT SXT, capsman deployed on 2011, his wlan1 connected as CAP, so does SXT.

There's two configurations, for two SSIDs and 1 provision with master and slave configurations. Local forwarding is disabled, client to cliend fwd is enabled. Each configuration has its own bridge, and generated cap interfaces automatically connecting into defined bridge.

So the first bridge is: eth1, eth6 and 2 caps (one from each AP). Both wired and wireless clients working perfectly, can communicate with router but not with each other. So the annoying problem is that wired clients cant "See" wireless in the same bridge, and wireless clients presented as capXX interfaces.

Before capsman I just added wlan1 interface to the first bridge, enabled proxy-arp for bridge and all clients communicated with each other fine.
Also its not a firewall issue, cause the problem exists even with disabled rules in filter.

Any help appreciated. If any additional info is needed please point it to me.
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Re: CAPsMan commutation problem

Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:28 am

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Re: CAPsMan commutation problem

Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:28 pm

Thanks, but there's basic configuration and no explanation or solution to my problem.

Again: capsman controls all the traffic from all CAPs, it automatically adding interfaces to the bridges that defined in configuration. Interfaces are in bridges, wired interface is bridged with wireless, there should be connection between the clients, but its not working, the question is why.
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Re: CAPsMan commutation problem

Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:49 pm

If you add accesspoint must you click on radio
Click on the new interface and click on provisioning
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Re: CAPsMan commutation problem

Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:37 pm

No man, if you set "create dynamic enable" in your provisioning you don't have to click anywhere.

I had discussion with Uldis from Mikrotik support, he said that it is not recommended to use CAP from the same machine where's capsman working, cause you can't properly use MAC connection there, and IP connection is corrupted with the firewall, either you use your local ip like my or you simply use My "local" caps connection, both networks are working, but clients that connecting without hotspot directly to my bridge can't interact with wired clients while on "local cap". If I move to another side of apartment. client changes CAP and then its all ok, he's totaly visible and available. It's the capsman problem, when his local CAP connected to it from it's own bridge through MAC or IP, nevermind, and even if you disable the last drop rule in your firewall, wireless client on this "local cap" cant reach wired clients, and vise versa. I presume this is some kind of bug and you should not use local wlan interface on the machine where's capsman running. I have 750UP as capsman in my ffice and four 951-s running as CAPs and this scheme works perfectly. I hope mikrotik will improve capsman functionality. Also I hope they will introduce a new home router with PPC processor and 10+ gigabit ethernet ports, cause 2011 is good, but nowadays you need gigabit everywhere and you need much more poerful processor than MIPSBE for encrypted vpn and torrent in the same time. And also you need 5 GHz at home already, I hope someone in mikrotik reading this posts from time to time :)