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Guests issue with HotSpot Login.html with Notebooks (solved)

Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:50 pm

Although I posted this earlier, not one person made any reply which I am really surprised at.

The issue was guests running microsoft windows on a notebook could not get to the login.html page. What ever web page they were trying to get to would just show as 'page cannot be displayed'. To be clear I am saying if a user went to the result would be 'page cannot be displayed' and the user never saw the existing login.html from the hotspot.

The organization I set this up for was unwilling to purchase a small server to run DNS. The DNS Name set in IP -> HotSpot -> Server Profile -> hsprof1 was hotspot1. The IP of DNS Name: was set to in HotSpot -> Servers -> HotSpot1

I was told by someone that a DNS Server is not required for the HotSpot to work. I beg to differ because once I changed the DNS Name: to people were able to get to the login page and then use the Internet.

If in fact a local DNS Server is not needed, perhaps someone can explain why using the name 'hotspot1' does not work.

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Re: Guests issue with HotSpot Login.html with Notebooks (sol

Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:32 am

Because you didn't use a FQDN format for the domain name. Windows in general doesn't like that, and doesn't really work with it. It is good however to have some DNS servers defined on the router as well.
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Re: Guests issue with HotSpot Login.html with Notebooks (sol

Thu Nov 20, 2014 7:22 pm

Hi Feklar,
Thank you for replying with your comment.

I did not put in an FQDN because there is no local dns server. Like I said in the original post, the organization was unwilling to spend money to get a small DNS Server. Since they did not have a dns server, I simply put hotspot1 as the DNS Name.

On my office network, since I run djbdns I use .internal for internal hosts and our HotSpot DNS Name is hotspot1.internal and it works like a charm.

At least your comment helps as I figured it was DNS related but someone else that sells Mikrotik equiptment said to use the short name. My ubuntu notebook had no issues getting to the hotspot login page with the hotspot1 name when setting it up.

Thanks again.

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