Trying to make a WDS Slave unit display signal strength through the LED lights but none lit up when selecting 'Wireless signal strength' on wlan1 with Led1-4 in System -> Led.
Tried using a short script to make leds come on which works but only for a second and running the script every second doesn't seem like a smart thing. If I can make the leds stay on for a longer period of time I can always use a scheduler.
Is there a way to do this?
This is the script I modified for my use:
:global absoluteSignal value=[:tonum [:pick $signalStrength ([:find $signalStrength "-" -1] + 1) [:find $signalStrength "dBm" -1]]];
:if ($absoluteSignal < 50) do={ /led led1=yes led2=yes led3=yes led4=yes;
} else={
:if ($absoluteSignal < 60) do={ /led led1=yes led2=yes led3=yes led4=yes;
} else={
:if ($absoluteSignal < 75) do={ /led led1=yes led2=yes led3=yes led4=yes;
} else={
:if ($absoluteSignal < 80) do={ /led led1=yes led2=yes;
} else={
:if ($absoluteSignal < 86) do={ /led led1=yes;
} else={