Hi, guys!
I have a question that I have been pondering on for a few days now with very limited success on my company's RB2011L w/ ROS v6.25.
I have a service provider which requires that we set up an IPSec tunnel to their VPN gateway in order to access the service they're offering. But since my local subnet of is overlapping with some other network on their side, they ask me to set up the tunnel as if it is coming from, say, I have over 50 users on the LAN side, several servers, plus another IPSec tunnel so changing LAN addresses is out of question.
I have set up the IPSec policies, peers, proposals. From the router's Tools/Ping I get the response server provider's endpoint if I set the source address to, the SAs are populating. But I totally can't get ping to work from any PC on the LAN. I am sure that the problem is in telling the router to change the destination IP address ( -> for packets travelling from LAN to the server provider and back. I have treid to set up the subnet as the second IP address for the bridge-local interface. Then set up NAT with netmap or srcnat/dstnat actions for this traffic. Nothing gets me past the router's ping ability (as above).
Can someone point me to the right direction? I wouldn't believe this can't be done! Or am I just dreaming?