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One server with two ISPs

Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:13 am

Please I want to access my server from two different public IP addresses at the same time through Mikrotik router with two server Ethernet interfaces. Currently, the server was accessible by one public of ISP1 by router dst-nat.

current connection is: Server eth1 setting = with gateway= ===> router dst-nat=w1.x1.y1.z1 interface-WAN1

I want to do: Server eth2 setting = with gateway- ===> dsn-nat=w2.x2.y2.z2>

Please help me which are the main steps or best recommendation to do above.
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Re: One server with two ISPs

Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:47 am

as i understand your server with the 2 interfaces are connected to same switch with the router (at local lan)
I think you cant use 2 interfaces with the same gateway and subnet
try to use another subnet for interface 2 with out any gateway
and in your router add the second subnet to the same loacl interface
for ex.:
2nd router ip : (on the same local interface)
Server eth2 setting =

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