Dear friends,
Recently I have built a hotspot and its working like a charm with one WAN connection but I added one more WAN connection and I want them to be used both. I have tried PCC but then hotspot won't work. To be precise I tried this:
/ip firewall mangle
add chain=input in-interface=WAN1 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=WAN1_conn
add chain=input in-interface=WAN2 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=WAN2_conn
add chain=output connection-mark=WAN1_conn action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=to_WAN1
add chain=output connection-mark=WAN2_conn action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=to_WAN2
add chain=prerouting dst-address= action=accept in-interface=wlan2
add chain=prerouting dst-address= action=accept in-interface=wlan2
add chain=prerouting dst-address-type=!local in-interface=wlan2 per-connection-classifier=both-addresses-and-ports:2/0 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=WAN1_conn passthrough=yes
add chain=prerouting dst-address-type=!local in-interface=wlan2 per-connection-classifier=both-addresses-and-ports:2/1 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=WAN2_conn passthrough=yes
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=WAN1_conn in-interface=wlan2 action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=to_WAN1
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=WAN2_conn in-interface=wlan2 action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=to_WAN2
/ip route
add dst-address= gateway= routing-mark=to_WAN1 check-gateway=ping
add dst-address= gateway= routing-mark=to_WAN2 check-gateway=ping
add dst-address= gateway= distance=1 check-gateway=ping
add dst-address= gateway= distance=2 check-gateway=ping
/ip firewall nat
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN1 action=masquerade
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN2 action=masquerade
This works excellent but only if I disable hotspot server. I also tried to figure out how to divide half users to go via WAN1 and the other half via WAN2 but nothing usefull came in my mind so far. I have DHCP server and network is DHCP users are from to and I have few addresses out of this range. I want to separate them in two groups for internet access via WAN1 and WAN2 but without changing the current structure of hotspot and DHCP. Is it possible?
Best Regards.