This is my second post so please bare with me.
We have a DC and we use the above.
We are seeing the router just stop servicing completely and the only way to get it back up and running is to power cycle it.
As it is on a remote location, so i am wanting to run some troubleshooting to find out the cause of culprit.
We have already got a brand new one doing the same thing so i don't think it is the hardware, more of a software issue here.
If when it freezes and I am on site then I can log on to it locally and can see there is no traffic going through any interfaces.
so for some reason it suddenly stops.
I have setup the dude for logging but when this happens there is nothing in the logs on the dude or I must be looking at the wrong place. guidance please.
The setup is as follows:
Port1 - WAN ( This is range of IPs)
Port2 - Leased Line Connection for Customer one (Pipes to customers site)
Port3- Leased Line connection for Customer Two (Pipes to customers site)
Port4- LAN (No DHCP)
Port5-8 - UnUsed
Obviously when the router stops, the leased lines go down but I am eager to find out the cause of it please.
There is a switch (Managed with VLANs) which connects on the network as well.
Thanks all