Hey Mikrotik,
my sympathies and my best congratulations for your programmers.
Even If someone wants to, it is very very hard to find such a low low low low level "programmers" like the ones you employee
Trying to fix a bug and another two bugs come up.
You should change your Brand name. Drop Mikrotik. Use "Lernea Hydra" (Ancient Greek Mythology Monster)
ONCE AGAIN User Manager is a mess....
v6.28 was supposed to correct the "paypal problem"
the problem was corrected BUT......
Users cannot login because database is corrupted.
Though a user has a valid profile, all the other fields (start time, end time, time left, rate limit) are empty
and the user is unable to login (no valid profile found)
The same empty fields, after a couple of minutes, get values that belong to another profile.
The user can now login in anarchy with other profile's rate limits, drives me crazy
(Database rebuild is just a joke!!!!)
Are you guys going to be serious?
We have invested our good money to buy your "full of promises" products and all we have is bugs bugs bugs
Give us what we paid for, else stop selling until you have decent product
God, I'm tired, I'm angry, and I'm not going to use Mikrotiks again