yes, I'm using two NIC. I tried masquerading on public, but not working. I think I must set dst NAT properly, but HOW TO
I hope with this four steps, you are able to make connect to the 'Internet' over local network.
'/ip address' submenu
add public ip to first interface
add local ip to second interface e.g: 444.333.222.1/24
'/ip route' submenu
add ip gateway from your ISP
'/ip dns'
set primary-dns from your isp
set seconadry-dns from your isp
'/ip firewall nat'
add chain=srcnat src-address=444.333.222.0/24 action=masquerade
I think, that basic config should be okay....and later you can think about 'complete security' for your network. and add other 'Mikrotik Features'.