I'm trying to set up a PtMP local network that will share internet between 3 houses.
I've set up the main groove as a WISP AP with nv2 and 2 Grooves (Soon to be 2 SXTs) as CPE.
If that setup is incorrect PLEASE correct me.
The way I have it currently works perfectly fine, both CPEs get IP, devices connected to it get an IP, internet works until I try to enable security:
On Quickset I set the router to CPE, find the WISP, select it and connect. It asks for the password I enter on the WISP but keeps getting stuck in "searching for network" with the connect button now turned to disconnect.
On the WISP AP's Quick Set, I tick the security box and type in 00000000 as the pass, it accepts and goes on as normal.
So I basically just need confirmation if the settings for the network are correct and why the NV2 security wont work.
(2Ghz Only N)