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Portforwarding VPN

Sun May 31, 2015 1:17 pm

Hi everybody!

I want to publish a webserver. The web server is locatated on SiteA, the public IP on SiteB.


Public IP:

Between the two sites there is a Site2Site vpn tunnel.

I've created a dst-nat from to dst-port=80.
On site B I can access the website via the external IP. On site B not. The problem is, that the packet comes with the external source IP from the client. I will be forwarded correctly to the web server, but the default gateway on site A router will forward it to the internet and so it will come out with the wrong src-address.

Can everyone help me?

Thank you,
kr Martin
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Re: Portforwarding VPN

Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:19 pm

you have to mark traffic from the server and then give it a route to take priority over the default traffic flow out the local gateway.

The way i have done this in the past was to create an address list of servers and mangle the address list with a route mark. once you have the route mark you can create a default route for traffic marked and send it over the tunnel to the other site. i would recommend also creating a less preferred default route out of the local site by a COPY of the site a default route and assign it the route mark and a higher metric. This would allow fail-over if the site b was unavailable the server can still get out and would fail back to site b routing once available again.

I had found an post on this previously but can seem to find it now