How did you set that last part up?
I also have the CCR doing NAT to redirect any stray DNS requests back to the .5 box.
This is how I redirect all DNS requests to the mikrotik router so the client uses the mikrotik DNS insted of some manually entered DNS on the client's device:
/ip firewall nat
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="Redirect DNS trafic to local DNS UDP" disabled=no dst-address-list=!LAN \
dst-port=53 log-prefix=DNS-redirect protocol=udp src-address-list=LAN to-addresses= to-ports=53
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="Redirect DNS trafic to local DNS TCP" disabled=no dst-address-list=!LAN \
dst-port=53 log-prefix=DNS-redirect protocol=tcp src-address-list=LAN to-addresses= to-ports=53
You can change the to-addresses to and remove dst-address-list=!LAN and src-address-list=LAN if you don't have an access list with the LAN ip's and maybe add out-interface=ether1-gateway so it will apply only to traffic that wants to go trough ether1 port, I usually create an access list named LAN that contains the LAN subnets so I can manage the filter rules easier.
This will redirect all traffic that wants to use port 53 to desired ip address.
The code modified to your needs:
/ip firewall nat
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="Redirect DNS trafic to local DNS UDP" disabled=no dst-port=53 log-prefix=DNS-redirect protocol=udp to-addresses= to-ports=53 out-interface=ether1
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="Redirect DNS trafic to local DNS TCP" disabled=no dst-port=53 log-prefix=DNS-redirect protocol=tcp to-addresses= to-ports=53 out-interface=ether1
You should also change the IP you hand out to clients via DHCP to
/ip dhcp-server network set 0 dns-server=