I just got a RB951G-2HnD to set up for a home environment, and I'm having trouble with the site to site VPN. I used a config from a bunch of 951-2n units that I had configured to sit at end users home ofices that have dynamic addresses and were meant only to initiate a VPN tunnel back to the main office from that location - reverse traffic was not intended.
I set this new 951G up for my personal network, and want it to work both ways. Everythign looks as if it should work, but it's only passing traffic from the Mikrotik back to my WAtchguard - from the Watchguard to the Mikrotik isn't passing traffic. Under Firewall > NAT, I originally had one 'accept' 'srcnat' rule with a src address of the Mikrotiks LAN network, and a dst Address my Watchguard LAN. I added in a secont one that is the inverst of the original thinking that was what I needed to get it working, but it still won't pass VPN Traffic to the Mikrotik's network.
Any thoughts on what I may be missing?