Today we switched our Internet Services from ISP A to ISP B and we are stuck with an issue which is not getting solved till now and its 1:15am here. We have our Own IPs from APNIC, which were previously advertised with ISP A using their ASN. The ISP A gave us a /30 subnet to bring our RB1100 on their network and then we put our own IPs on the Ether2 Interface for Public/Clients. The ISP A, subnet was also public IP and having Internet Access on it as well.
Now the ISP is changed, this ISP B, gave us a local IP for our RB1100 to connect with their network and this IP dont have Internet over it. The ISP B, advertised our IPs subnet at their end which we are using for Public/Clients.
The issue is this that on the 3rd Interface I configured a local subnet which was Natted to Ether1 that is connected to ISP A/B. As i told above that ISP A, IPs have internet access so the Natting was working fine but now the ISP B, IPs have no Internet Access over them so the Natting is not working at all.
The Public IPs subnet which is advertised at their network and which we are using for clients is working fine. Is there any way out to solve this issue. Can we use our Own IPs someway as a gateway to our Natted IPs?
A friedn told me today to configure a Meta Router and issue one public IP from your own IPs to it and then use this router for Natting purpose virtually.
I am in a bit of hurry if you guys reply me with some solution to this problem i will be very much greatful to all of you. Also posting a diagram for you, may be it would be helpful in understanding the issue.