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hAP defaults - please consider

Sat Aug 08, 2015 5:00 pm


Could you make UPnP and IPv6 enabled by default on hAP?
IPv6 is pretty widely available now, and people using game consoles ought not to have to dig into router settings. I can't see a reason to not have this setup for a home router.


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Re: hAP defaults - please consider

Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:41 pm

Because the hAP is intended as an Access Point, not a router. UPnP poses a security risk that needs to be the administrators choice to enable. IPv6 - Well, I don't know. In an Access Point, it's not needed unless the LAN is v6. Most home networks will never be IPv6, as devices on a LAN don't need a public IP. Here, in the USA, few if any ISP have native IPv6. Most are offering a 6to4 or 6rd tunnel. Again, it presents a security risk. As you pointed out, people playing games shouldn't be in the router, and they VERY likely do NOT know how to configure a firewall to protect publicly addressed devices on a LAN. That said, I think it's in the majority's best interest to have UPnP and IPv6 disabled by default. If people *need* them, they can take the responsibility for enabling it.

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