I have a PPPoE Setup I am testing
Previously I had 2 PPPoE clients and two PPPoE servers running on their vlan interfaces respectively all on mikrotik hardware.
I plan to deliver PPPoE using Radius to configure IP's etc so I thought I could create just one PPPoE Server on a bridge and bridge all my client networks/tunnels to it.
Here is the strange thing
If I have one PPPoE server running on a bridge with an IP assigned, The PPPoE Server has the same IP.
With both my client vlans connected to the bridge PPPoE doesn't connect, I get this in the PPPoE log on the client:
"sent PADI to XXXXXXXXXXX dropping PADI no service to offer"
If I disable the bridge port for one of the clients, voila it works and the other client connects.
I have tried changing ARP, turning off RSTP in the bridge, nothing works
My PPPoE server only works when only one client is connected.
And yes these are different usernames so I don't believe I need to untick Allow one session per host.