Hi All!
I get to know the CAPsMAN topic. I tried a following:
- CAPsMAN: RB951G-2HnD
- Cap1: Wifi of RB951G-2HnD
- Cap2: Wifi of RBmAP-2n
My first step was success: one SSID on both devices. Everithing works fine.
But when I set a second SSID (guest wifi)... No one wifi device can connect to the second SSID (laptop, PC, mobile phone). The second SSID is visible, but isn't usable.
- I created 2 config for the 2 SSID (Name, Mode, SSID, Country, Bridge, Security). I tested them seperately, they work fine.
- I created 2 Provisoning for the 2 devices (RB951G-2HnD and RBmAP-2n).
I add a new CAP interface in the CAPsMAN (RB951G-2HnD and/or RBmAP-2n), select a config (SSID1 or SSID2), set the phisical interface Channel/Frequency, Width, Band, Extension Channel) ... and works fine (Master, Bounded)
But when add a second wifi/SSID (Virtual AP - the Master Interface is the first one - of course) the second wifi/SSID appears in the WinBox (Slave, Bounded). It is visible for any wireless capable device - laptop, PC, mobile - but isn't usable. They can't connect to second wifi/SSID ( The first wifi/SSID contiues to function.
Is it my fault?
I've tried these with CAPsMAN-v1.