Had a closer look at the "renders"
In Madrid's MUM.
15dBi models looks suitable for close range, check the PDF...
SXT5 and 5ac SA models are already 90 degrees...
Has anyone else noticed MK doesn't like 2.4 GHz with their antennas?
There is already RBSXTG2HnD which is a L4 60 degree 2.4GHz version, on most urban areas 2.4GHz is unusable for WMAN, we all want disruptive prices and economy of scale applies, guess that's why Mikrotik isn't manufacturing more 2.4GHz devices for that but focused for WLAN duties.
Integrated models have RB921 inside.
Regarding integrated sectors for high interference scenarios, Mikrotik has already partnered with RF-Elements, there's a "Simper Integrated Radio" line of Twistports with custom mikrotik 921 boards, with a shielded version (the red one I believe) designed and manufactured from the ground up with shielding in mind for high interference scenarios, had the chance to inspect them at the MUM and look really promising for this usage, specially when coupling them with RFE new 30,45,60,90 degree horn sector antennas.