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HELP, we make Noise on fire deparment freq.

Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:51 pm

I need help very bad

we are making noise on our fire deparment 76.450Mhz
But is not all the time
When we shutdown our 5Ghz system, it goes away
we have make a test, where the system is working a lot. no noise

we have RouterBOARD 532, with 4 Wireless (Atheros AR5213) card
ist all have ground, is in a seal metal boks.

Then we have a Link 5.1-5.8Ghz Integrated Router Antenna , RouterBOARD 532 connectet to the other board (Atheros AR5213)

when we install the system it was in pvc box, then we make noise
then we switcs cabels (internet/power) to shield cabels, and put the routerboard in a seal metal boks

we wil try to got 2.4ghz to see that solve the problems.
But we need to use 5ghz

What can the problem be ??
the board in the link, is not shield more than it is, (and can make the noise)

Hope someome have a helping hand, because the Fire deparment will get the pluck :cry:
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Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:16 pm

532s have noisy power supplies, particularly using 48v.

Try changing to 18v, its supposed to help a bit.

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Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:19 pm

Shielding everything with foil should also help.
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Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:30 pm

But I need a solution thats works 110%
Have MT problems with other routerboards RB112, ...
if not, we have to replace them

If that is a problem with MT hardware I think they have have to fix it. very quick :D
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Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:24 pm

I had a similar problem with a Deliberant DLB-2300a radio.

I did an install at a apartment complex and the building manager wanted me to install the CPE on the pole with the TV antenna that feeds the building. LOL
He soon asked me to move it because the thing was fracking up the TV signal.

I moved it about 15 feet away and the problem stopped.

I know this really doesn't help but I don't want you to waist money on new equipment and still have the same problem.

How many feet is there from the antennas you're messing up?
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Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:43 am

I don't now but about 20 meters
is in a 65 m tower, and we have the MT in 40 meters, its radio communication, tv antenna, satelite disc

but we have 400 user on, and if we dont find out the problem we go dead
it is the only place for us, or we have to raise a 60m tower

but I hope to hear somthin from MT support, I have mail them.
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Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:48 pm

Is the 532 on the tower or down in the shack? If it is on the tower are you using shielded Cat5 cable? Have you tried ferrite coils on the the power or ethernet cables leaving the 532 box? Have you tried bonding all your grounds to a central point? With RF problems you just have to keep experimenting.
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Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:31 pm

Is the 532 on the tower or down in the shack? If it is on the tower are you using shielded Cat5 cable? Have you tried ferrite coils on the the power or ethernet cables leaving the 532 box? Have you tried bonding all your grounds to a central point?
With RF problems you just have to keep experimenting.
Thanks, but we dont have time to do experimenting, because the fire deparment will ban us fro using the tower.
Ther is som thing I will try.
the rb 532 is in the tower, we have special shielde kabel
we have ground all things, but we have not tried ferrite coils
do you have a link ??
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Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:20 pm

Maybe you need a rb532p1 instead , it has no transformer onboard ( 12v only ) , it probably would be quieter.
Or remove the transformer and other components from the board you have if you have the tools/skill
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Fri Sep 22, 2006 7:04 am

If RF is radiating down your cables something like this may help.

Sorry for the slow response on my part.
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Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:28 am

Hi Chucka
Yes We have putting them on, we about 40m of cabel and the get on every 10m, then we hope that helps
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Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:14 am

You can also try:

1. Changing the wired network speed between 10/100mbps - be sure the other end will accept this change

2. Changing the CPU frequency of your Routerboard

I've seen this type of problem with 802.11b radios and on investigation with a spectrum analyliser it turned out to be the electronics on the circuite rather than the network cables or the radio its self

good luck
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Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:45 pm

You can also try:

1. Changing the wired network speed between 10/100mbps - be sure the other end will accept this change

2. Changing the CPU frequency of your Routerboard

I've seen this type of problem with 802.11b radios and on investigation with a spectrum analyliser it turned out to be the electronics on the circuite rather than the network cables or the radio its self

good luck
Can we change the CPU from winbox, do we have to switch jumpers

We have found out that is not our cables, but the HW
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Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:07 pm

You can do it from Winbox, you will need to open a "New Terminal" (see buttons on left hand side)

It is probably worth upgrading the bios before you begin.
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Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:14 pm

hmm, that page in the manual is not very helpfull for the RB532

To upgrade firmware:

[admin@SF_AP] system routerboard> upgrade

To change the Frequencey:

[admin@SF_AP] system routerboard settings> set cpu-frequency=198Mhz

Or what ever, you can press TAB or TAB TAB to get the commands and options on the command line.

Once you have changed the CPU speed you then issue a "keep-frequency" command in the settings.
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Fri Sep 22, 2006 7:27 pm

My solution to a similary problem was.

Go down to 12-18 volt on the RB532 and power direct from a car battery with an old battery charger without switching tech.
Then it will work. I was disturbing the VHF band in sweden. for a cabel tv company :-)

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Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:12 pm

My solution to a similary problem was.

Go down to 12-18 volt on the RB532 and power direct from a car battery with an old battery charger without switching tech.
Then it will work. I was disturbing the VHF band in sweden. for a cabel tv company :-)

We We have power the board with POE, and that is max 18V
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Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:09 am

Do not use SWICHING power supply for POE !!!!!
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Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:23 am

Do not use SWICHING power supply for POE !!!!!
What do jo mean with that :?:
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Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:49 am

We will try to use 12V with an car battery, I have to buy the charger / battery, what to buy. I have 1 112 board and a rb532 with 4 Wireless (Atheros AR5213) 3unit 400mw 1 65mw.
then we have 5 ovislink 5460 for our b/g user (switc to rb532 board) if it works. and the cabel from the battery is 45 meters. how big battery do we have to use
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Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:48 pm

More info about SWICHING power supply

Use power adapter with torus or regular transformer....
Use shellproof UTP.....
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Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:20 pm

Mikrotik, Is there revision on the routerboard532 that will change the switching power supply design?
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Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:49 pm

The switching power supply they are referring to is powering the 532 and not onboard.
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Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:54 pm

I meant remove the onboard switching power supply , or get an RB511 if theres any still around to try out.
rb532p1 comes without the onboard power supply.
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Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:23 am

hi there,

some time ago we had a similar problem. we shielded everything, but that not helps.
the things were working out, when absolutely everything "came in" the metal box of the routerboard. even and the suplying adaptor, i. e. the lead cable go to the metal box with 220V, and inside is the supplying adaptor for the device, accordingly everything is grounded.
so, none PoE... had works out by us.
I hope this to be workable in your case.

best regards,
C. G.
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Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:37 am


hi there,
did you solve the problem, tell us

C. G.
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Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:20 am

Hello everbody
I have to be sure, before I tell you somthing.
now we have been in the air for all most 3 weeks.
with out any problems :D

we switcs from 48V to 18V power on the router board

It was the 48V power that make the noise, we switsc it to the same model
no noise, but afer 1 day, it was back and we switch to 12V

How someone of you can use it
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Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:09 am

Are you using shielded Cat5 cable?
If not then you should...

If you are using Shielded Cat5, then be sure and ground the shielding at both ends...
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Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:43 am

before we swits power supp.
we have Shielded kabels, thats is groundede
we have special power kabels
router board put in metal box

as you can read we have try everything before

here in denmark we have a service that can finde nosie, if it make problemes for other. and they find out it was the power supp.
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Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:22 pm

EbeltoftsNet thanks for keeping us all up to date with this, I'm sure many will find if useful and I'm pleased you have fixed your noise problem.
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Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:09 pm

yea, thanks..

im assuming the PSU on the Router board? if so what did u do to fix it?

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Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:30 pm

yea, thanks..

im assuming the PSU on the Router board? if so what did u do to fix it?

nothing only switcs power supp. to 18V insted off 48v