Hello everyone,
I've tried to set up a L2TP / IPSEC connection with my Router
Mikrotik RB2011uias-2hnd-in
When i test it, i get a connection through l2tp while connected to WiFi on this same Router.
While connecting L2TP with my router my log says:
"authtype mismatched: my:hmac-sha1 peer:hmac-sha256".
At this moment i can only connect through L2TP/IPSec while connected to my routers WiFi. It should be cennecting Always even when i have no WiFi available.
When connected to mobile network say 4G only then i can't connect (FireWall issue maybe?)
PPTP works perfect but is nog secure enough, thats why i tried to setup L2TP
Is there anyone who can help a Dutch-guy out ?
RouterOS is kind of new to me, but MikroTik inspired me to get more knowledge of how Routers work.
Best regards,