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v6.33, CoA with PPPoE - empty list name not allowed

Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:19 pm

Saw in the release notes that CoA is now working. I'm testing it now, but am having a problem. I am running 6.33 on both the User Manager and the PPPoE server, and I keep getting the error in the logs when I try to switch profiles via the user manager, "could not add address list: empty list name not allowed (6)".

We are not using address lists, so the field is empty in the PPPoE server profile and in the User Manager profiles. We are only using the User Manager profiles to set rate limits.

Seems like a bug that it is trying to send an address list as part of the CoA when it is unused/unnecessary.

I tried setting an arbitrary address list, there shouldn't be any harm in having one, I have no reason to apply any firewall rules to it. BUT, I also get errors when changing profiles, "could not add address list: already have such entry (6)". When I get this, the PPPoE sessions terminates. It does come back with the correct profile, but that disconnect defeats the purpose of using CoA to change the rate limit profile.


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