Hi there,
I just logged into the site today to run the things you said and check it out.
While I was loading Winbox i suspected something was up as it was performing poorly.
The CPU usage was at 100%
I added the logging type you suggested manager excluding debug...
also I noticed a lot of hotspot warnings with RADIUS timeouts...
So I went to Tools Profile to check that - and bam! Winbox shut and I believe the router rebooted.
So after it's rebooted now I get to check it out.
Sadly it's not as telling now since all those log entries are gone.
/tool user-manager user print count-only:
[admin@MikroTik] /tool user-manager user> print count-only
So I'm not sure how "
Profile" is supposed to work - it doesn't show anything, just a blank window.
I launched the web site at /userman and it doesn't show anything in the profile window.
I looked up the documentation and it appears it's supposed to show something similar to
top on linux.
The log has a bit of timeout stuff -- nothing sticks out to me tho
15:56:19 system,error,critical router was rebooted without proper shutdown by watchdog timer
15:56:19 system,error,critical SYSTEM: router was rebooted without proper shutdown by watchdog timer
15:56:39 dhcp,info dhcp-hotspot deassigned from BC:F5:AC:DD:8F:D5
15:56:55 hotspot,info,debug sum7kh ( trying to log in by mac-cookie
15:56:56 hotspot,account,info,debug sum7kh ( logged in
15:56:57 hotspot,warning,debug sum7kh ( RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response
15:57:09 dhcp,info dhcp-hotspot assigned to 80:EA:96:BB:56:D3
15:57:12 dhcp,warning dhcp-hotspot offering lease for BC:F5:AC:DD:8F:D5 without success
15:57:50 dhcp,warning dhcp-hotspot offering lease for BC:F5:AC:DD:8F:D5 without success
15:59:02 system,info,account user admin logged in from via winbox
15:59:02 system,info,account SYSTEM: user admin logged in from via winbox
16:00:45 system,info,account user admin logged in from via telnet
16:00:45 system,info,account SYSTEM: user admin logged in from via telnet
16:01:18 hotspot,info,debug sumtts ( trying to log in by cookie
16:01:19 hotspot,account,info,debug sumtts ( logged in
16:01:20 hotspot,warning,debug sumtts ( RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response
16:02:54 dhcp,info dhcp-hotspot deassigned from E8:50:8B:70:A0:F0
16:03:04 hotspot,info,debug obajyv ( trying to log in by http-pap
16:03:04 hotspot,account,info,debug obajyv ( logged in
16:03:05 hotspot,warning,debug obajyv ( RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response
16:03:57 hotspot,warning,debug sum7kh ( RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response
16:05:58 hotspot,warning,debug sum7kh ( RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response
16:08:20 system,info,account user admin logged out from via telnet
16:08:20 system,info,account SYSTEM: user admin logged out from via telnet
16:08:24 hotspot,warning,debug sumtts ( RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response
16:10:12 system,info,account user admin logged in from via telnet
16:10:12 system,info,account SYSTEM: user admin logged in from via telnet
16:10:22 hotspot,warning,debug sumtts ( RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response
16:10:49 dhcp,info dhcp-hotspot assigned to 44:74:6C:4A:7A:28
16:10:58 hotspot,warning,debug sum7kh ( RADIUS accounting request not sent: no response