Hi there,
Looking for a recommendation for hardware for running a small cafe/co-working space in Malaysia.
The internet it connects to maxes out at 50Mbps down and 10Mbps up. The capacity of the place is about 50 people. That's mostly standing.
Thank you !
A bit more information about the expected use would help; if it's mostly a cafe where people sometimes use the wifi on their smartphones and the location is not too large a single hAP ac lite might do.
If it's a larger space or it's used for business as well that setup won't suffice; if those 50 people are working fulltime you should count on seeing anywhere from 2 to 4 devices per person (think smartphone(s), tablets, smart watches, laptops, etc). Anything more than about 25-30 devices per radio tends to make wifi networks slow because of clients trying to talk at the same time. Also, in such a setup you'd want to do some sort of queuing (PCQ?) to prevent a single user from hogging all your bandwidth, so make sure you use a router with a decent CPU (RB-3011?).