I would like to allow traffic from LAN to DMZ but noit from DMZ to LAN.
In your firewall filter forward chain, have a rule set like this:
action=accept connection-state=established,related comment="allow existing connections"
action=accept out-interface=wan comment="allow internet access"
action=accept in-interface=lan comment="allow LAN to anywhere"
action=accept protocol=tcp dst-port=80,443 dst-address= comment=webserver
action=accept protocol=udp dst-port=53 dst-address= comment="dns server"
action=accept protocol=tcp dst-port=25 in-interface=dmz dst-address= comment="allow smtp to lan exchange server"
action=drop comment="default policy is deny"
of course the two server rules are just examples, but this is where in the chain you should place the ports that you want to allow to reach the servers. Use the servers' inside IP addresses here.
I also included an example where you can allow certain exceptions of DMZ -> LAN because you may have another internal server that shouldn't be open to the Internet at all, but that the DMZ hosts should be able to reach for some reason.
Note that most of these rules don't use any IP addresses at all. It's clean and efficient to use interfaces where possible.