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How to setup PPPOE?

Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:17 pm


I've read the MikroTik documentation on setting up PPPOE and followed the "Application Example" - the only differences are that, "interface prism>" is now "interface wireless>". I started from a "clean slate" by doing /system reset

I'm running on RouterOS 2.8.18 on a RouterBoard.

I have a Senao Prism 2.5 PCMCIA in the Routerboard

I've then set up the PPPOE client in Windows XP (using "mt" as in the example as the ISP name. Using the username of "w" and password of "wkst" (again as in the example :) ) . All it does is when I try to connect is "Connecting mt.. Dialing mt..." then after a while it says "Error Connecting to mt Error 676: The phone line is busy". The Windows XP machine has a Senao Prism 2.5 PCMCIA card.

The wireless card in Windows XP PC is "associated" with the "ap-bridge" of the Mikrotik (but it says "Limited or No Connectivity")

I don't know if it's the fault of the PCMCIA cards, but when I set up the Mikrotik Routerboard just as a Hotspot the cards are fine. I know that I've probably misunderstood something.

Can you please help?
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Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:02 pm

By the way, using EtherReal on the Windows XP machine, I can see that the MikroTik and XP are trying to negotiate a PPPoE link:

PPPoED Active Discovery Initiation (PADI)
PPPoED Active Discovery Offer (PADO)
PPPoED Active Discovery Request (PADR)
PPPoED Active Discovery Request (PADR)
PPPoED Active Discovery Request (PADR)
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Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:28 pm

.... so now I've disabled the wireless card in the Windows XP machine and plugged into the Ethernet port a Wirless Client box, set up for the "mt" - and the PPPoE connection is now connected :) (but without the DNS server set up I can't do much yet :? - but that's another problem).

So is it the MTU settng of the Wireless card in the XP machine that was causing problems?