I love CAPsMAN, but I wish it was clearer that the map2n is only single chain 2.4ghz, and won't give more than 44mbps throughput (65mbps link). I'm not mistaken am I? It doesn't work with "40mhz" (is this the same as 20mhz with an extension channel? which would require another chain.. or am I naive in my understanding? Anyway I set channel to 2412mhz and then Ce extension but still no difference). No matter what I do it will not give better than 44mbps throughput anyway, and always shows "65Mbps-20MHz/1S" in the registration table. The 1S means 1chain/1 channel in use, right? I don't think it can do 2S.
It's still a greatly useful product because it gives perfect roaming (no stale arp cling-on or having to connect to differnt ssid from client, that other multiple access point setups cause) and "good enough" performance for most, but Mikrotik need to hurry up with HAP AC or a Map5ac or something.
I presume the cap2n is the same in a different box?