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Bandwidth test script

Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:48 pm

Hello all,

I'm trying to create a script in RouterOS that does a bandwidth test (see below). The purpose of the script is to check if the bandwidth to another mikrotik router gets below a certain threshold (in my example I use 700 Mbps). If it does, the script has to raise an error. The $"tx-current" has to get above 700 Mbps before it can check if it gets below 700 Mbps.
/tool {
	:local a false
    bandwidth-test duration=60s direction=transmit do={
    	:if ($status = "running") do={
    		:if ($a = false) do={
    			:if ($"tx-current" > 700) do={
					:set $a true
            } if ($a = true) do={
            	:if ($"tx-current" < 700) do={
            		:error "bandwidth not enough"
I'm not able to get this script to raise the error, because I see the bandwidth drop below 700 all the time.

I'm wondering if this can also be done through the RouterOS PHP API?
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Re: Bandwidth test script

Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:35 am

700 = 700 bps not 700 Mbps
Try 700M or something around ~700000000
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Re: Bandwidth test script

Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:43 pm

Were you able to get this script to work? I am on V6.41 and trying to read the variables from the bandwidth test and I am unable to. Ones such as $status and $duration.

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