I stii cant move forward... any help for me?
I have set up a mail server and each time my clients who have a yahoo mail address sign up, they never get an activation e-mail. when i check my mail server lo this is what i get ....
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:57:50 -> Success: Action=[SMTP Transfer], Details=[Domain=yahoo.com, Host=mx2.mail.yahoo.com:25, IP= Connection accepted.]
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:57:52 -> Failed: Action=[SMTP Transfer], Details=[Domain=yahoo.com, Host=mx2.mail.yahoo.com:25, IP= Transaction rejected with: 451 VS1-IP Excessive unknown recipients - possible Open Relay
http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/spam/spam-18.html (#4.1.]
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:57:52 -> Success: Action=[SMTP Transfer], Details=[Domain=yahoo.com, Host=mx1.mail.yahoo.com:25, IP= Connection accepted.]
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:57:53 -> Failed: Action=[SMTP Transfer], Details=[Domain=yahoo.com, Host=mx1.mail.yahoo.com:25, IP= Transaction rejected with: 451 VS1-IP Excessive unknown recipients - possible Open Relay
http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/spam/spam-18.html (#4.1.]
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:57:53 -> Success: Action=[SMTP Transfer], Details=[Domain=yahoo.com, Host=mta-v1.mail.vip.re3.yahoo.com:25, IP= Connection accepted.]
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:57:54 -> Failed: Action=[SMTP Transfer], Details=[Domain=yahoo.com, Host=mta-v1.mail.vip.re3.yahoo.com:25, IP= Transaction rejected with: 451 VS1-IP Excessive unknown recipients - possible Open Relay
http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/spam/spam-18.html (#4.1.]
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:57:55 -> Success: Action=[SMTP Transfer], Details=[Domain=gmail.com, Host=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com:25, IP= Recipient Accepted:
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:57:59 -> Success: Action=[SMTP Transfer], Details=[Domain=gmail.com, Host=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com:25, IP= Transaction completed, sent to 1 of 1 recipients successfully.]
Can normis, kindly explain to me how to go around this?
Also when i upgraded to ver 2.9.34, the log i get in MT is as follows:
manager error info---failed to add ucredit:custid:userid,crnum are not unique..... but it goes on to add the user with unlimited time...wheras the customer has a public id and a time of 5 minutes to allow sign on.
What can i be doing wrong?
15:25:29 system,info UMS customer osazee changed by efosa
15:26:46 manager,error,info,debug failed to add ucredit: columns custId,
userId, crNum are not unique
15:26:47 system,info UMS user zeeosadav added
15:29:49 system,info UMS customer osazee changed by efosa
15:30:09 manager,error,info,debug failed to add ucredit: columns custId,
userId, crNum are not unique
15:30:09 system,info UMS user zeeOLOHIJU added
15:31:33 manager,error,info,debug failed to add ucredit: columns custId,
userId, crNum are not unique
15:31:33 system,info UMS user zeeOLOHIJU changed by efosa
15:31:43 manager,error,info,debug failed to add ucredit: columns custId,
userId, crNum are not unique
15:31:43 system,info UMS user zeeOLOHIJU changed by efosa
15:34:58 system,info UMS user zeeosadav changed by osazee
15:40:04 system,info the proxy access rule changed by admin
15:40:57 manager,error,info,debug failed to add ucredit: columns custId,
userId, crNum are not unique
15:40:57 system,info UMS user zeeosazee added