These are both the same, except for the frequencies. Adding a static WDS link or allowing one to be created dynamically is exactly the same.I have something like this:
I already look at examples in wiki for mesh and repeaters but can't understand some of the differences between them.
/interface wireless set wlan1 mode=ap-bridge band=2.4ghz-b/g frequency=2437 ssid=mesh wds-mode=dynamic wds-default-bridge=bridge1 disabled=no
/ interface wireless set wlan1 disabled=no mode=ap-bridge band=5ghz frequency=5180 ssid=Main wds-mode=dinamic
/ interface wireless wds add disabled=no wds-address=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:X1 master-interface=wlan1
Sofia, pogledni tam ima ICQ nomer shte se radvam da ti pomogna ako imash vuprosiThank you for your answers.
Now I understand a little more of config a router.
About wireless channels, I know for 2.4GHz we have to choose channel 1, 6 and 11 for 3 wlan cards in the same router.
And for 5GHz, what channels should i choose? If I have 3 wlan cards in a router.
On mikrotik, you can use neighbouring channels in 5GHz - the channel spacing is wider than 2.4, and the seperation is better... can't speak for other brands though...Thank you for your answers.
Now I understand a little more of config a router.
About wireless channels, I know for 2.4GHz we have to choose channel 1, 6 and 11 for 3 wlan cards in the same router.
And for 5GHz, what channels should i choose? If I have 3 wlan cards in a router.
in other words:Sofia, pogledni tam ima ICQ nomer shte se radvam da ti pomogna ako imash vuprosi
in other words you need something like roaming...I have something like this:
One AP with 4 wireless cards, 3 of them for the backbone in 5GHz and one for clients in 2.4GHz. This AP is connect to Internet.
I want to config him like a repeater.
Can someone show me a simple config?
I already look at examples in wiki for mesh and repeaters but can't understand some of the differences between them.
/interface wireless set wlan1 mode=ap-bridge band=2.4ghz-b/g frequency=2437 ssid=mesh wds-mode=dynamic wds-default-bridge=bridge1 disabled=no
/ interface wireless set wlan1 disabled=no mode=ap-bridge band=5ghz frequency=5180 ssid=Main wds-mode=dinamic
/ interface wireless wds add disabled=no wds-address=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:X1 master-interface=wlan1
Maybe someone can indicate me some manual.
/ interface wireless wds add disabled=no wds-address=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:X1 master-interface=wlan1
Dynamic WDS is easier when you are making a new mesh system.
If the WDS node count will increase in wide area then lot of wds liks will be establishing and disconnecting the wds links (the nodes wich has very low signal strenght between them).
First place all the nodes in their places enable dynamic WDS, then monitor few hours, days or maybe more to see which WDS links ar stable and wich not. Then start changing these dynamic WDS links wich are stable to static ones. After you have done that, you can disable the Dynamic WDS mode.
I use dynamic because after mt v.2.9.10 there appears bridge mode=rstpThis is because he create the wds-mode=dynamic.
That is only used if you create wds-mode=static.
Like this:
/interface wireless set wlan4 mode=ap-bridge band=2.4ghz-b/g frequency=2437 ssid=Main wds-mode=dynamic wds-default-bridge=bridge1 disabled=no
/ interface wireless set wlan1 disabled=no mode=ap-bridge band=2.4ghz-b/g frequency=2437 ssid=Main wds-mode=static
/ interface wireless wds add disabled=no wds-address=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:X1 master-interface=wlan1
In the manual they tell the best thing to use is wds-mode=static (pag.241) but a still don't understand why almost everyone shows dynamic config.
I'm using 5G as backbone every 400 meters I put another mikortik box with 5G card and 2.4 card antennas are 160' for 2.4 and 15'/pointed ones/ for 5G if 5G connection is lost the 2.4 band is still paired with other 2.4 base station via wds.promind in your setup , are you using 5G for the WDS link of the AP's and the 2.4G for clients connections ?
1- i want to know couse i want to do this with my setup , and i dont see difference between the 2 band setup , is it the band ( 5 or 2.4 ) which will decide ? i mean do the 2.4G Wcards in the AP's will connect to each other too ?
this is becouse i want to be use different SSID in each AP ..
2- if I have 3 Node mesh , can i connect the last AP back to the first ( the Main AP ) , if i use RSTP ? no problems ?
yes I have 2 master aps connected via ethernet to the main hotspot router/which is linux/ they both are cm9 and wds...other connect to them or to each other/depends/ via WPA2 5G or no security profile via 2.4G, it's something like roaming/take a look at mobile operators construction...I've made something like that and yeah it worx flowlessly /ok , so nice .... you mean both bands used as Wds connection AT THE SAME TIME this necessary or just for emergency cases , 5G connection lost ..
and using the same Wcard for clients and WDS would it make it slower , i read that once , if its true , can I use only the 5G for backbone WDS ?
ok about not using EOIP , but if i connect the last AP with the first ( WDS ) does it loop ?
sorry for many questions promind ,but i found your answers perfect ..
/interface wireless set wlan1 mode=ap-bridge band=5ghz frequency=5180 wds-mode=dynamic wds-default-bridge=bridge1 enable-nstreme=yes enable-polling=yes framer-policy=best-fit framer-limit=3200 disabled=no
/interface wireless set wlan1 mode=ap-bridge band=2.4ghz-b/g frequency=2412 wds-mode=static wds-default-bridge=bridge1 disabled=nothe point is : i want to make 5G busy with WDS , and 2.4G busy with clients ..
if the 5G confg will be :what about the 2.4 confg ?Code: Select all/interface wireless set wlan1 mode=ap-bridge band=5ghz frequency=5180 wds-mode=dynamic wds-default-bridge=bridge1 enable-nstreme=yes enable-polling=yes framer-policy=best-fit framer-limit=3200 disabled=no
While this does work, it adds a few limitations and adds a lot more load and reduces the speed and efficiency of the network. The biggest limitation would be that a virtual AP has to run on the same channel and frequency band, which basically eliminates the ability to use 5GHz for backbone and 2.4Ghz for client connections. A dual radio solution is a lot more flexible, effecient, and expandable.It's not necessary to split the WDS & AP between 2.4 & 5 G.
You could simply use Virtual AP on an interface which is also configured to run WDS as the 'backbone'.
So the 'backbone' WDS portion can be bridged with hidden SSID & WEP key, and the virtual AP can be run as hotspot, PPPoE or whatever...