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Failover setup with NAT

Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:56 pm

Hi there

I've been using Mikrotik for about 3 years now, but mostly on the wireless side with basic pppoe settings and the odd port forward here and there and DHCP.

I'm starting to get more involved in networking and network setups and need some assistance in this regard. I am quite eager to learn what more the Mikrotik can do :mrgreen:

I am mostly familiar with the GUI side being winbox and not so much the scripting or terminal side so will take some getting used to.

What I would like to find out is how would I setup a failover where the primary link does not use NAT but the secondary does. I might have to relook at the clients setup as they have 2vpns but for now if we can just get the failover to work properly that would be great.

I have also read up on different types of failover, one being with netwatch?the other without, some run on a ping, I'll need to see which one is used where and the best application for each site.

Thank you.
