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MikroTik App
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Netwatch Feature Request

Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:49 am

I would like to be able to select the number of consecutive pings that Netwatch sends out instead of relying on a single ping timeout. We all know that it is common for just about any device to miss a ping occasionally. But, if we could set Netwatch to ping the device, say 3 times consecutively, and all three fail, then Netwatch would change device status at that time. This way, when I receive a notification that a device is down, I can trust that it is not due to just one missed ping.
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Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:19 am

Netwatch is doing 3 pings, and only if all three fail, the event is triggered...
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Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:04 am

Netwatch is doing 3 pings, and only if all three fail, the event is triggered...
When did that start? Is this in manual?

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Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:33 am

I assume this has been always like that. I'm not sure I saw it in the manual, but was told so by support. It also has been posted in this forum by someone from MikroTik at least once.
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Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:31 am

We have same problem, our wireless access point (from Conceptronic) they just unswer after 2,3 or 7 pings, but they answer !

So we had to set up a script (as in the script exemple) but of course it is different than in the netwatch.

doing some quick tests it seems netwacth just looks at 1st ping, are you sure it is 3? can we change it to 10 (this is the dead-point for us)
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Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:57 am

you can use netwatch to ping some host three times and then after all fails, run some down-script which will do the rest count you want and after also those fails perform some action. The script could look as follows:
/system script add name=pinging source={
  :if ([/ping count=7] = 0) do={
    /tool e-mail send \ \
      subject="Can't ping"
It means that totally will be 10 pings made. And after all ten fails the e-mail will be sent.
