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Probably loop

Tue May 24, 2016 10:42 am


I am new to the forum, with intermediate network skills and relatively new with the mikrotik devices(1 year of experience)

To the point...i have a 912UAG-5HPnD device installed and i would like your opinion.

The device is configured as WISP AP in bridge mode and there are 5 clients connected (5-10km each)
I have upgraded to the 6.35.2 version.

The network logical setup is like : Gateway Router -->PtP Link-->switch-->912UAG-5HPnD-->5 clients connected
It's in a remote location so there is a dedicated point to point link which passes the traffic through a switch to 912UAG-5HPnD and from there to the clients.

The problem is that at the logfile of 912UAG-5HPnD i get "memory interface,warning ether1:bridge port received packet with own address as source address (4c:5e:0c:88:9b:b8), probably loop)
I get this warning every 6 seconds and the device is half unresponsive(50% packet loss and winbox takes 2-3 minutes to open). The clients do not realize a problem since traffic passes through the device. I ping from the gateway router the 912UAG-5HPnD with 50% packet loss but the clients connected to 912UAG-5HPnD with 0% packet loss.

The point to point link is WDS enabled so is the 912UAG-5HPnD.
Rstp is enabled and i have tried to change Admin MAC Address at the bridge interface as i have read to another post in the forum but to no avail.

So could it be something else in the configuration of the device, or a mistake at the configuration causing this warning?
Or should i search for a real loop in the network?

Thank you in advance

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Re: Probably loop

Tue May 24, 2016 11:01 am

This can happen when you have made the mistake of restoring a backup from client 1 onto the device of client 2.
(e.g. you use this method for quick deployment of client configuration)

Don't do that! Backups should only be used on the device they were made on.
You can do a /export file=name to transfer a configuration to a textfile, but even then you need to manually edit-out
MAC address settings found in the export. (e.g. on a bridge or wireless interface)
After that you can upload them to another device and "reset confguration" without "defaults" and with this file as an
initial script.
That will build the device confguration without setting the MAC address the same as another device.
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Re: Probably loop

Tue May 24, 2016 12:05 pm

I configure all the devices manually. No configuration restores up to now.
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Re: Probably loop

Fri May 27, 2016 10:30 am

For the record... someone connected a cheap access point-switch-whatever device at the switch and the packets are coming from this device.

I took the device out and everything is finally smooth.

Thank you anyway