One other thing - it's pretty common for chains to have accept rules for established,related connections early in the list for performance reasons. If your forward chain has such rules, then when "internet blackout" time comes, it will only block new connections. Connections that were already established will keep right on working.
Hello Zerobyte,
I'm grappling with the exact same issue and am trying to figure out how to stop or drop a connection so that the exclusion time firewall rule can kick in. Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Edit: Solved - Since this is a home network I had set most of the devices (including the one that I am trying to manage using the above rules) to have DHCP long leases. I realised that if I set the device to a 10 minute renewal period on the DHCP lease, the rule will kick in when the lease is renewed. This means that the device in question will (should) only have a 10 minute window within which it will still be able to access the internet.
The rule I'm using is:
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=drop time="17:50:00-23h58m,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun" src-mac-address=EE:66:77:44:55:BB comment="Block PS4 daily from 17:50 to 23:58"
Hello Africantech,
This is what helped me to achieve the settings you are requesting. This assistance came from aacable in his blog based on question on time based internet access and his response with my implementation to achieve the goal.
For Amrory, you will see that you have to take the rule above hotspot rule, take the rule above making it start from 0. This will make it work in hotspot though i had issues but when I disable hotspot firewall, the rule started working. Which means it cannot work together with hotspot.
Here is the conversation and the responses;
TIME based filter rule
Just for an Example I want toBLOCKall sort of access for an IP from1:00pmtill3:00pm, then simply create a Firewall rule that will block traffic from this IP address and and inTIME section, modify the required time, something like below . . .
Change the IP / Time as per your requirement
CLI Code:
[table][tr][td] [/td]
[td] [/td]
/ip firewall filter
add action=drop chain=input comment="Block access for user ZAIB from 1:pm till 3:pm" disabled=no src-address= time=\
/ip firewall filter
add action=drop chain=input comment="Block access for user ZAIB from 1:pm till 3:pm" disabled=no src-address= time=\
Hello Sir, please I need your help on this issue.We are faced with a problem where we want all staff are allowed to browse the internet only from 7:00 tiil 16:00, but allow only the Admin/manager unrestricted access to internet. The network is on dhcp while the lan ip address is but will use that of Admin/manager pc mac id as the filter. Please your help is needed in this direction as staff now abuse the use of the network because after that time they they use it to do some unimaginable things.
Thanks and God bless you.
Comment by sapanda — April 15, 2016 @ 1:27 PM
there are *many* ways you can block/allow users.
Create two filter rules,
1st, allow the admin IP or MAC address in forward chain
you need to put this rule on top
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward src.mac address=xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx dst-address= action=accept
2nd , reject requests from all ip series of lan users, and set time in it.
in default NAT rule, you can define time in which you want to allow the ip range.
Settings that worked for me
/ip firewall filter
add chain=forward src-mac-address=00:21:5C:4E:11:31
add chain=forward src-mac-address=C0:BD:D1:3F:96:13
add action=drop chain=input comment=\
"Block access for all users from 4pm -9pm" in-interface=bridge1 time=\
add action=passthrough chain=unused-hs-chain comment=\
"place hotspot rules here" disabled=yes