Perhaps the clock is drifting - if you were to disable SNTP for a while, it shouldn't take long to drift by a noticeable amount since it seems to be 2 seconds off every hour....
I have some vague recollection of some model Mikrotik having realtime clock drift problems, but I can't say how long ago I read it (a thread on here) or what model it was - I'm tempted to say 3011, but that could be way off.
I have the same problem here, with latest stable release (6.35.4).
To me it's software-related as the log lines for sntp aren't anymore classified in topic ntp but fall into the general system and info topics, thus popping up every update.
Obviously I don't want to disable those topics because they are useful.
Developers should fix the topics assigned to sntp log lines.
Agree'd. Really annoying and floods valuable log space that I should have for more important things. Every Mikrotik I've upgraded is having the issue, not sure how recent of F/W, but it started last fall of 2015 I believe, or maybe even last summer.