Quick question.
I have 3 eBGP peers same subnets are advertised to all.
I have to aggregate networks for eBGP export.
I created aggregated networks and assigned to instance for peer A and peer B see below, then I noticed I didn't need to create any for Peer C.
My question is, does the aggregate route only need to be configured once and can be assigned to BGP default instance?
Or should I just advertise complete networks manually and not use route aggregation?
Code: Select all
/routing bgp aggregate
add include-igp=yes instance="peerA" prefix=XX.XX.35.0/24
add include-igp=yes instance="peerB" prefix=XX.XX.35.0/24
Code: Select all
add include-igp=yes instance="default" prefix=XX.XX.35.0/24 suffice.
On JunOS I only config the aggregate route once.
Code: Select all
set routing-options aggregate route XX.XX.35.0/24